This ‘Smart’ Dress Shows When A Woman Is Inappropriately Touched
The #MeToo wave shocked many people back in 2017 and since then, many brands showed support to the victims by launching various campaigns. Swiss beverage company Schweppes recently teamed up with Ogilvy, a Brazilian ad agency, and created a unique ‘smart’ dress in a campaign titled ‘Dress For Respect’. The campaign aims to draw attention to the sensitive issue of sexual harassment that is rampant in Brazil.
h/t: Bored Panda
The companies created a smart dress with integrated sensors, that show when the woman is touched
Image credits: Ogilvy
The dress tracks all the places and times the wearer is touched. The purpose of the dress was to highlight that inappropriate touching is also a form of sexual harassment.
At the beginning of the ad, a shocking statistic of Brazil’s nightclubs is showed
Image credits: Ogilvy
According to the data, 86% of Brazilian women have been harassed in nightclubs, 77% were wolf-whistled at, 74% were stared down, 57% received sexual comments and 39% were cursed at. Almost half of Brazilian women were inappropriately touched in 2016.
Many men were skeptical about the experiment
Image credits: Ogilvy
“Who will go out on a Thursday night to just dance?” asked one of the men. Another man said that the women are just whining about everything. Although the video showed proof that it is, in fact, a real problem.
3 women wore the ‘smart’ dresses and went to a nightclub in São Paulo
Image credits: Ogilvy
Each of the three women – Juliana, Tatiana, and Luisa – were inappropriately touched without their approval. The data was sent to the researchers via WiFi and they could see when and where the women were touched in real time.
The women were touched a whopping 157 times during the time they spent in the club
Image credits: Ogilvy
Men from the club were invited to watch the footage of the experiment and some of them were shocked. One of them even called the whole thing ridiculous while another one was shocked that a stranger tried to kiss one of the women without her consent.
See the full video below:
Title: The Dress for Respect
Client: Schweppes
Office: @OgilvyBrasilSee more design work here: https://t.co/plNvU4NFAw#ClientWork pic.twitter.com/8QRDU960uh
— Ogilvy (@Ogilvy) November 28, 2018
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