Eye-Opening Animation Of Animals Singing “I Dreamed A Dream” That Shows How Humans Are Destroying Wildlife
Dream is a short a short animated film, created by Zombie Studio back in 2016 for the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival. It tells the tragic tale of four animals facing extinction to the tune of “I Dreamed a Dream”, a song from Les Misérables and highlights the many ways humans are harming innocent wildlife.
More info: WCFF | Zombie Studio | Instagram | h/t: My Modern Met
The beginning of the video shows the animals carelessly roaming their habitats
But it quickly turns grim as humans arrive
The heartbreaking video shows the ways poachers are harming animals
According to Save The Rhino, 1,215 rhinos were poached in South Africa in 2014. The number has slowly been dropping in recent years with 1,028 rhinos poached in 2017 but, sadly, still remains high.
Oil spills are another problem that greatly impacts animal habitats
Just last year, after an Iranian-owned oil tanker “Sachi” collided with another ship, it released an oil spill roughly in the size of Paris.
Even the largest mammals on earth, the whales, are not spared
Back in 1982, a commercial whaling moratorium was passed ant the number of whales killed by whalers has dropped significantly. Although the industry still remains active with 590 whales killed in Norway and 390 in Japan back in 2016, according to the WDC.
Even though a lot of effort is made to reduce how humans impact wildlife, sadly, sometimes it’s just not enough
The poaching and deforestation numbers still remain high, and if we don’t take action now, soon it might be too late.
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