10 Complete Strangers Who Met Their Doppelgangers By Accident

Published 8 years ago

Nature is infinitely creative from within, but sometimes even it takes a shortcut and hopes that nobody will notice. But these guys did notice when they saw this glitch of themselves walking right past them.

Bored Panda has compiled a list of these complete strangers who found their doppelgangers or should we say, their identical twins from another mother (most likely).

Have you ever seen your clone roaming the streets? If so, make sure to share your story in the comments!

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#1 My Doppelganger Was Seated Next To Me On A Plane, Then We Accidentally Checked Into The Same Hotel And Went For A Beer

Image source: Lee Beattie

#2 I Found My Literal Doppelgänger Just Now Wtf

Image source: santana

#3 I Ran Into My Doppelganger At My Cousin’s Wedding And She’s My Cousin’s Husband’s Sister, No Other Relation

Image source: artistNOThipster

#4 When Retired Priest Neil Richardson Moved To Essex He Found People Kept Coming Up To Him To Say “Hello John” – Because His Double Already Lived There

Image source: Cascade News

#5 My Friend Met His Doppelganger Last Night

Image source: sleuthblues

#6 My Friend Found Her Doppelganger At A Party

Image source: jdc311

#7 My Own Doppelganger That I Ran Into At A Music Festival, Plus A Face-Swap Of The Photo

Image source: Slinzgod

#8 My Friend Also Found His Doppelgänger At A Party

Image source: young_mula

#9 Doppelgangers. Truly Freaky

Image source: mr. baehr

#10 Bumped Into My Doppelganger At Subic Bay. My Dad, Cousins And Brother Accidentally Mistook Her For Me, So My Aunty Asked Her If We Could Take A Photo Together

Image source: yuhuaniscool


In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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accidentally met doppelgangers, doppelgangers, identical strangers, lookalike, meeting doppelgangers, stranger lookalikes, stranger twins, twin from another mother, twin strangers