This Woman Captures The Most Beautiful Doors Of London And They Look Like They’re Straight Out Of A Postcard

Published 6 years ago

The Doors of London is an ongoing project by British photographer Bella Foxwell. She travels around London, taking pictures, as the name suggests, of peoples’ front doors and her photos look like something straight out of a fairy tale.

In an interview with Bored Panda, the photographer says she started the project over two years ago as a challenge. “I’d spent the previous year building the accounts of big consumer brands and wanted to see if I could practice what I preached for myself. Since I was already obsessed with doors, it felt like a natural fit as my ‘niche,'” says Bella. She admires people who paint their doors in bright shades or have extravagant knockers and thinks that doors are very symbolic. ” Whether it’s because they represent new opportunities, or because they remind of home. There’s something special about them,” says the photographer.

Over time Bella learned what engages people and what doesn’t – she says that brighter and foliage-framed doors tend to perform better. “That’s a long-winded way of saying that unless a front door has something unique about it – like my front door, which is very uninspiring, I will give it miss.”

Check out the beautiful front doors of London in the gallery below!

h/t: Bored Panda

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Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


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Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn


Image source: thedoorsofldn

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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beautiful doors, beautiful london doors, Bella Foxwell, charming doors, colorful doors, doors in london, london doors, most beautiful doors