Dove’s Powerful Campaign Shows That Women Can ‘Choose Beautiful’
Do you feel beautiful? Do you choose to feel beautiful? That’s what Dove explored with their globe-trotting campaign ‘Choose Beautiful’. It was a follow-up to their survey that indicated that 96% of women (in the world) rate themselves as ‘average’. To try it out practically, Dove put signs on doors into public buildings in five cities around the world: Shanghai, San Francisco, London, Sao Paulo and Delhi. One door was labeled “beautiful”, the other – “average”, and Dove filmed women’s reactions. The result? A lot of women fretting over the decision or even deciding not to go through the door at all.
Dove then did small interviews with the women, who confessed that choosing to go through the ‘average’ door had negatively impacted their self-esteem. Going through the “beautiful” door required some guts, yet made them feel better about themselves afterwards. And that’s the message of the campaign: only women themselves can choose to feel beautiful. And the door is powerful visual tool deliver this message.
As the company’s marketing director Jennifer Bremner said, ‘Dove Choose Beautiful urges women to embrace this personal choice, because when we do, it unlocks happiness and confidence that impacts women’s self-esteem’
Ad agency: Ogilvy & Mather Chicago
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Surveys are always helpful to get perfect results from different people. In this way, we have providing a feedback survey to our customers through the survey page https://storeopinion-ca.me/. Also, we decided to give a $1000 Optimum PC Gift Card to our customers who participated in the survey.
It’s still a shame that however powerful the Dove campaigns are, they’re still the same company as Lynx (Unilever) who are forever working to impose the very ideals of sexism and shallow beauty Dove is ‘trying’ to break.
I totally get what Dove is trying to do: boost self-esteem in women who may have none. That’s awesome, go Dove. Nothing wrong with boosting self-esteem.
However, isn’t this saying something very powerful about our society: that we always need to be “boosting our self esteem” through telling ourselves we’re beautiful? Sure, knowing we’re physically attractive can help us feel good for…a day or maybe even two. But, this feeling doesn’t last long. Our physical appearances shift so often throughout our lives that we cannot find our self-esteem through that and that alone. Our society seems to thrive off the physical, the warm fuzzies, the ephemeral feeling of being “strong” and “empowered” just because we do something at one moment in time.
Proverbs 14:26 says, “In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.” Now, I’m not trying to preach at people or anything, but when someone tries to find confidence in their own power or in what society tells them their gender can/cannot do, they can’t find real confidence. Oh, sure, they feel great in the moment, maybe empowered even. But, true confidence is found in the One Who made you, in the One who gave you worth. :)
However, isn’t this saying something very powerful about our society:
that we always need to be “boosting our self esteem” through telling
ourselves we’re beautiful?
Yes! Well-said! This campaigns are not doing much justice.