10+ Most Creative Reactions To Sad Pope Meeting The Trumps
Being The Pope isn’t easy. Just ask Pope Francis. Or better still, just look at this picture of him posing with Donald Trump. He’s trying to smile. He really is. But some challenges are just too great, even for a man with God on his side.
The hilariously awkward photograph was taken during Trump’s recent visit to The Vatican, and while The Donald is clearing having a blast, the poor Pope looks just like many of us feel. Even funnier than the original picture, however, is the internet’s reaction to it, especially the deluge of memes it’s spawned. Check out some of our favorites below, and feel free to join the fun by adding your comments! The Pope might not be laughing, but we certainly are. (h/t: boredpanda)
Image source: Louiseontwitr
Image source: casatino
Image source: anajarav
Image source: SimonHendriksen
Image source: OwensDamien
Image source: KrangTNelson
Image source: lmechegaray
Image source: FullFrontalSamB
Image source: Seinfeld2000
Image source: BenjySarlin
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