Disney Princesses Recreated As Hot Dogs
How do you reimagine Disney princesses when they have been reimagined so many times? The two obvious choices are other Disney princesses… or hot dogs. Anna Hezel and Gabriella Paiella did just that, recreating the princesses from sausages, buns, and condiments. I was thinking of maybe recreating the Veggie Tales or at least Mr. Potato from vegetables, but these gals are pushing the envelope here!
“Literally any way you decide to reimagine Disney princesses will be inspiring and beautiful, no matter what,” the creative buddies wrote on Lucky Peach. “Nevermind that the Disney princesses are the product of a billion-dollar capitalist behemoth, or that they emphasize conventional beauty standards and submission to men. That’s nothing that a good listicle can’t gloss over.”
More info: luckypeach.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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