Artist Alessia Ciullo Draws Disney Themed Pet Portraits (15 Pics)
As the jolly season nears, folks are drawing up their Christmas shopping lists as usual for gift-giving purposes. It’s always a stressful task, to determine what to give each individual in your life but one artist has come up with a novelty gift idea for animal lovers that just might do the trick.
Alessia Ciullo specialises in pet portraits stylised in the Disney theme. These depictions are adorable, unique and personal making it a special custom-made gift for that pet-lover friend or family member. Scroll below to check out some of the cool examples we found on her pages and maybe it may help you tick one gift off your to-do list today too.
More info: Instagram | fiverr.com
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
Image source: mycartoonpets
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