25 People Expose A Disgusting Secret About Someone They Know

Published 2 hours ago

No matter how kind and sincere people may seem, there are darker sides to them. And if we knew of these hidden aspects, we may not look at those people the same way. Recently, a Reddit thread took off when someone asked about the startling truths people had discovered about someone. Scroll to read all the dirty little secrets shared in the gallery below.

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#1 There were rumors when I was a child that a friend of mine was being m****ted by her stepdad. Adults were told but nothing came of it and she went through emancipation as soon as she was old enough. I learned later on that stepdad was having his way with all of the children in the house. Male and female, step and biological. 5 kids.

The thing that disgusts me the most is that for the first time in my life I talked to somebody about it and learned that a lot of people in town knew it was going on. She and I were 11 years old. Not a damn thing either of us could do. But the adults should’ve f*****g helped those kids. Teachers knew. The principal of our school knew. I don’t have all the details as to why they weren’t removed from the home but there’s no reason or excuse for all of them to stay in that place with that man for years.

Image source: imfamousoz

#2 Found out a co-worker was microwaving their underwear at work to ‘freshen them up’ after lunch breaks. It was… an unpleasant revelation. Made me think twice about using that microwave ever again.

Image source: kaciii_woods, LightFieldStudios

#3 I worked with a woman for years. Knew her fairly well. Later found out that she and her husband were the ringleaders of the local swingers organization. My only problem with it was that she never invited me!

Image source: edgarpickle, Anna Shvets

#4 I work in a small office, just me and two other women. The other day I walked into the restroom as one of the coworkers exited a stall. She turned the faucet on, briefly got her fingers wet (not her actual hands) and walked out. I’ve worked with her for 16 years and just now learned she doesn’t wash her hands after using the restroom. It’s stuff like this that makes me not eat the office potluck. Gross.

Image source: DareWright, Anna Shvets

#5 A man that used to regularly visit a gallery I worked in killed his wife and boiled her body parts. He’s in prison now. Bleh.

Image source: Rontunaruna, Eric Park

#6 This guy in my friend groups older brother was into young girls. Even though he was in his early 20’s he’d routinely go after girls as young as 14. However this one time it ended very badly for him. He brought two 14 year old girls to the sports complex he worked at late at night. They convinced him to let them tie him up on a flagpole sort of thing so they could give him a show and then do him. They tied him up real good, pulled his pants down, took his car keys, and left him there. Well deserved.

Image source: Lordsnow89, cottonbro studio

#7 I’m on disability in my country and a few years ago my old disability case worker popped up on my people you might know on Facebook against my better judgement I looked at her profile

Image source: BipolarSkeleton, Marcus Aurelius

I was all racist stuff and posts about how much she hates disabled people and she wish they would all die and how disabled people should be killed on the spot

Tons of racism towards basically everyone even pictures in black face

I did report her but nothing happened she still works at this disability office as far as I know.

#8 My friend confided that her and her brother got drunk and banged recently. I am friends with both of them. It’s the weirdest s**t hanging out and pretending you don’t know.

Image source: New_Weekend9765, Priscilla Du Preez

#9 Found out a friend never washes their gym clothes like ew that’s so gross.

Image source: ellayourgf, Airam Dato-on

#10 After my husband died in 2020 I found out he had been having an affair with a 30 year old, (he was 55), she apparently aborted his baby, everything he told me about his prior life was a lie (second marriage for both of us) and he had been having sex with men since he was in his early 20s. To sum it up, I didn’t know this man at all. We had been together 10 years and married for 6.

Image source: Charming-1Sweetie, Pavel Danilyuk

#11 Found out my uncle r***d my mom (teens). She kept quiet about it until recently (50s). Turns out he also did it to my aunt (didn’t mention it until mom did). Same dude I went to holiday dinners with, hikes, hugged, etc. She acted so normal around him I had no idea.

Edit: It’s horrific how many people say this same story or something similar. If this is happening to you, and the secret hasn’t come out, please tell people for their safety.

Image source: whatupwasabi

#12 When my Grandfather passed away we discovered that he did not exist. His name was not in any government registry. He was a normal citizen, paid taxes, had a license and everything. Lived a long life, married to my grandmother for over 50 years, had multiple children, everything normal. Still to now, no one knows who he really was and why he had a false name.

Image source: Desirable44Cupcake, Maksym Kaharlytskyi

#13 My dad used to smoke c***k and then film himself dressing up in women’s clothes and doing his makeup (poorly). That’s not the disgusting part though.

Image source: bubble-tea-mouse, Kamaji Ogino

The disgusting/funny in an absurd way part is that when my mom found out about all that and other stuff, she found his hidden stash of dresses and presented them to me (age 12-13) as gifts and told me I should wear them right away and show dad when he gets home. So I was just constantly parading around the house in my dad’s pretty crack dresses, not understanding why he was weirded out lol.

#14 My first babysitter (next door neighbor’s kid) attacked her mother with an axe. Her mother survived and shared this in her Christmas letter to friends and family years later.

Image source: Tinkletorium, Olly Dow

#15 I saw my grandfather only 2 times once when I was around 4 or 5 and then again when I was about 13 at my uncles funeral. I asked my mom what the deal was and she would just tell me he was not a good person. I just stopped asking until a few years ago and she gave me the whole story. He was a vile, sadistic, evil, person. Abusive to his family in just about every way imaginable.

Image source: Mrofcourse, cottonbro studio

#16 Caught my *very* religiously “devout” Mormon dad snuggled up with a stripper in his lap at the club he didn’t know I was cocktail serving at. I blew his s**t wide open to my siblings who told our mom, and in the fallout, it fell out that it wasn’t a one-off. Forty years of strip clubs, street corners, and “massage” parlors, and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Image source: chewbubbIegumkickass, Level 23 Media

#17 A guy had a decently successful restaurant in my town. He was community oriented, donated time and money to the town, just overall nice. There was something I always thought was off or fake about him.

Image source: NoEvidence136, Luca Bravo

He tried expanding and buying a new restaurant, but needed a financial backer. They had a disagreement over something and she went missing. He took care of her son during her absence.

Turns out, he murdered her and buried her in a shallow grave behind a manufacturing building. Really hit our town hard.

#18 My family doctor between the ages of 15-23 was charged by several women for sexually assaulting them. He once did a physical for me and made me remove my entire shirt + bra with no gown. I thought it was normal at the time. He also always touched my tattoos and asked what they meant. Super creepy looking back on it.

Image source: MrsBellaNine, Photo Source: Kaboompics.com

#19 Not disgusting but scary, my maternal granny’s brother was an assassin. He was also assassinated.

Image source: EntrepreneurLivid491, Adam Borkowski

#20 They hoard their own feces in their house.

Image source: Professional_Feisty, Phil Hearing

#21 My dirtbag uncle convinced my grandmother to hand over her power of attorney to him and then proceeded to sell her house and put her into a senior living home when she was only in her fifties. He left her there to rot and then threw out most of her belongings and absconded with all of the family heirlooms from my great grandfather who was a famous artisan. In the intervening years he pawned off most of the heirlooms as he continued to scam his way across the country.

Last I heard he had somehow swindled his way into being a judge in Montana. He tried calling my dad a year or so ago and lying about what he had done to my grandmother. My dad called him out on that s**t and the dirtbag hasn’t tried contacting any of us since.

Now that my sister and I are grown living on comfortable wages, we have been slowly buying my great grandfather’s works as we see them appear up for auction or on eBay to bring them back into the family. A couple years ago we found one of my great grandfather’s pieces that my dad had thought to be lost forever and surprised him with it for Christmas. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him more overjoyed than he was that day.

Image source: Curi0us123

#22 My ex accused me of cheating so many times that it finally drove me nuts enough to end it. I ended up finding out that she was cheating on me the entire time with multiple men and one of those times was a threesome with two dudes. She’s blocked on everything and still tries to get in contact with me any way she can.

Image source: Sailor_NEWENGLAND, Ron Lach

#23 I grew up in a very religious family (church 3x a week) and went to catholic school. The priest who built our parish was beloved by all, but just gave me ick vibes. In the early 2000’s someone from his previous parish, 30 years before, claimed he was inappropriate with them. Of course no one believed it and assumed she was saying that for money.

Image source: IHeartSquirrels, Annie Spratt

A couple of years ago, a friend from school posted on Facebook that she was looking for other girls from school he abused, because she couldn’t believe she was the only one. I was close to her growing up and had no idea. She didn’t ask for a penny from the church, and still is a dedicated member of the church (the priest has since passed). I 100% believe her as her accusation only hurt her within the community (but helped her heal from the trauma).

#24 The kid that bullied me in grade 5 & 6… turns out his father was m****ting him and his brother, throughout their childhood.

Image source: TemptingWomen7, Annie Spratt

#25 GF (now wife) had a roommate in college that was dating an older guy. I went over and saw him, something was off. Did some research: he was her band director when she was in HS, was fired for having relations with a student, and was living just across the county line. Unbelievable ick.

Image source: Powerful-Drama556, Katrina Berban

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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disgusting secret, hidden, people, reddit, secret