30 Terrible Designs That Create More Problems Than They Solve
One of the most important things that makes a design good is its ability to solve a certain problem. However, there are instances where designs not only not solve any problems but actually end up creating additional ones. And today we’re all about those types of designs.
Typical Rykozhop is a Russian Instagram account that is dedicated to terrible interior and exterior designs that cause more problems than they solve, and it’s ridiculously hilarious. And even despite them being absolutely horrible, you actually have to admire some of these ‘designers” creativity. From bathrooms inside closets to furniture made entirely out of tiles, check out some of the worst designs shared by this Instagram page in the gallery below! And if you want more, see our previous posts here and here!
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: rukozhopy
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: imgur.com
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: typical.rykozhop
Image source: rukozhopy
Image source: reddit.com
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