Designercise: Creative Problem Solving though Professional Play

Published 10 years ago

New York based Design Agency, Disrupt Design is taking a unique approach to energizing creative problem solving with their new gamified innovation toolkit. They just launched a Kickstarter for Designercise, an active ideation toolkit for creative and flexible thinking, which combines techniques from design thinking with current discoveries from the fields of sociology, behavioural and cognitive sciences. Contributing to the growing movement of using gamification in professional settings, Designercise makes a case for offline ‘analog’ play that engages physicality and humor to stimulate creative problem solving, collaboration and ideation.

Disrupting professional development and education through the use of game mechanics is something co-designer and Disrupt Design founder Dr Leyla Acaroglu has been doing professionally since she founded her first company in 2009. Her 2013 TED talk on creative thinking and sustainability has been viewed over one million times and she has two commercially produced games on the market.

Designercise’s 20+ activities are perfect for professional play as they were designed specifically to help players overcome afternoon brain slumps (when your circadian rhythms make you sleepy and unproductive), break through cognitive biases (the habit of our brains relying on pre-constructed thinking patterns to make decisions), and to inspire divergent thinking (increasing your ability to bust through rutted thought patterns). Claiming that it can “bust through even the most rigid of thinkers”, the creators are pushing for an up-skilling of creative thinking and are currently crowdfunding the commercial production in a quirky gamified kickstarter campaign.

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The Kicstarter Campaign:

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Designercise Full Deluxe Kit

Designercise Full Deluxe Kit

Eleven Card Decks and with more than twenty games and two roulette wheels

Also available as four small kits: Storytelling, Flexible thinking, Improvisation and Design Thinking.

Beautifully designed and ready to be sustainable produced

Beautifully designed and ready to be sustainable produced

Got wisdom to pour?



brain storming, creative thinking, design, games, ideation, play, problem solving