25 Disturbing Things Women Discovered About A Man They Were Dating

Published 3 days ago

The dating game can be risky at times, especially for women. There are a lot of men out there who have no scruples in hiding their true selves to attract women. Finding a good, honest and kind man can sometimes feel like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. It sometimes seems next to impossible, especially considering how many women end up discovering a disturbing secret about a man they are dating somewhere down the line.

Albeit, not every man is a lying, cheating piece of scum, but it sure does seem to happen too often to ignore the possibility. So remember to stay vigilant, ladies, because you may not always like what you find when you delve a little deeper into the background of a man you are dating, just like the women featured in the gallery below. 

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Image source: ms_makcit, Marten Bjork / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I was talking to this guy on Twitter for about 6 weeks before we met. I didn’t mind cause it just felt good not to be pressured. He’d told me he was new to town (only been around for 5 months then) & was living with his aunt so wasn’t in a hurry to move out cause of housing costs.
It made sense, but something seemed off. The day we met I was with friends & one of them had a one-on-one with him where he told her he wasn’t married.

& she was convinced he was legit, but I wasn’t ‘cause his words & actions weren’t aligned. He was just acting sus. One day I’m talking to a male friend from the same place as this guy & because the name is a unique one, he goes, “But the kubby I know is married with two kids” & proceeds to show me a photo. Alas! It’s the same guy😄. Coincidentally, I’m telling my sister & she says this guy did same to her friend. Same story of living with his aunt & he never let her know where he was staying.


Image source: yourdigitaldetective, Wesley Tingey / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I did a little digging on this guy my friend was dating… and let’s just say I was NOT ready for what I found. Buckle up. 🧵 🕵🏽‍♀️He told her he lived with his sister to help her out because she’s a single mom. Seemed sweet, right? Well…Something wasn’t adding up. No trace of the ‘sister’ online. No family photos. Just them and the kids.So, I checked public records. Marriage license? ✅ Shared last name? ✅ Joint mortgage?

Sis wasn’t sis. She was his WIFE. And those weren’t his nieces and nephews. They were HIS KIDS. This man looked me in the eyes and said he was ‘helping family.’ Helping? Sir, that’s YOUR family 💀.

Moral of the story? If something feels off, look deeper. Some of these men deserve Oscars for their performances. Stay vigilant, ladies.


Image source: chels_wil_, Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I was the wife in this scenario with him for 9 years when I found out he was living a double life. That man was my world and I didn’t even really know him. The audacity to take 9 years from someone you don’t even like… idk why they don’t just leave us alone and go play with each other 🤷🏻‍♀️


Image source: straight_outta_wonderland, Maksym Tymchyk 🇺🇦 / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I had a guy tell me he had a roommate. Found out it was actually his fiancée, and his “guys surfing trip” to Costa Rica was actually him coming home to Jersey FOR HIS WEDDING. This mfer had me being the other woman long distance and I had no clue.
Oh, and he was a coworker. Learned that lesson the hard way.


Image source: khaleesi_monroee, Jae Park / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Years ago started dating a guy I met on Facebook. We had went on a few dates, even hung at his house. His car had a battery issue and I gave him a ride to work even. About 3 weeks into us dating I start getting a bunch of likes & comments on my TikTok videos from a random girl. Then she dm me.. yall this girl was his side chick, he was MARRIED.

She had recently given birth & the baby passed away in the hospital. He had lied & posted the baby telling people it’s his sister’s baby, even had his wife believing his sister on his dad’s side had just had a baby he had to go see in the hospital & had passed. 😑

Sidechick proceeds to tell me I’m 1 of many and sent receipts y’all!!!! I sent that man the convo and blocked him so quick!! The side chick contacted me days later cussing me out cus he was mad at her now for telling me lol. She had just wanted to tell me she was # 1 and that I had to know my place if I was gonna be with him too! lol I blocked her a*s too!


Image source: sue_z5, Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Googled a guy I went on a few dates with. Found an article with his mug shot detailing how he went to his wife’s work, had his 6yr old daughter with him. Threatened their lives if she left him. Used daughter as a shield when cops surrounded his car in the parking lot. Never blocked anyone that fast.


Image source: laura_richards84, Yunus Tuğ / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

A friend was dating a guy for a couple of months, he told her he’d been married with kids and they all died in a car crash. Turns out they were very much alive and he was cheating on his wife.


Image source: panalady75, Antoni Shkraba / Pexels (not the actual photo)

Y’ALL READY? This guy would take me to his house and then back home. (I didn’t have a car then.) He said he was divorced. About 3 months later, I was there again, and noticed a large envelope. He told me it was his final divorce papers. PAUSE….. Long story short, I found out his PREGNANT WIFE was in the hospital on high risk bed rest. That’s how he was able to have me in the house so freely.

That was my last time at his house. Then, he started stalking me and popping up at my JOB, all while his wife was still fighting for her life and their baby in the hospital.


Image source: itsmemaudeholly, Blake Cheek / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Was dating a guy, but it seemed sus. I even said “this seems weird, I’m out” but he begged me to let him work on it. Okay. One day I was out and about and this girl was chatting about not being able to find an apartment and I said “aw, girl, I’m a property manager, let me help you” and she proceeded to tell me all about her and her boyfriend… who also happened to be the guy I was dating. The universe just put her right in front of me like that.

She cried and yelled and told me how I was the second woman he had done that with. I told her we both deserve better and no, I’m not interested in him having a relationship with both of us, and I never messaged again. I heard they moved in together in January. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had a friend that had a similar story. My brother had been friends with him and swore he was married. He said they were divorced. He convinced her to go on a trip with him across state lines (she was 17, he was 20?). Took her to a hotel and beat her unconscious. She escaped out the bathroom window while he was bringing in a buyer. She barely got away. Apparently it is how he and his wife made their living.

Image source: southernfrog


Image source: discount_mithral, Aleksandr Sochnev / Pexels (not the actual photo)

I’m gonna date myself here, but I found out my ex was serially cheating on me from a friend since social media wasn’t really a thing yet. (2002 ish)

A guy in our friend group made a very heavy handed pass at me while at a party. I asked him why on earth he thought that was appropriate. His response?

“Oh, I thought y’all were in an open relationship since he’s been sleeping with different chicks every time we go out.” Every. Time. He’d been telling people I was cool with it. I was not.


Image source: bnomz.pule, Kateryna Hliznitsova / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My ex-husband did this when we were still together, got a GF after sending our 2 kids & I on a holiday to see our families & left us stranded with no money. The story he told her about the belongings & photos of the kids? It was his brothers house, the kids were his niece & nephew 💀😂


Image source: a_little_bit_of_luv_, Polina Zimmerman / Pexels (not the actual photo)

A few years ago this guy wanted to date me, i told him i wasnt looking to date but we could be friends and get to know each other see what happened. Told me he lived with his grandparents and something seemed off, my mom did some digging.. he lived with his wife and her grandparents. Not ex with from years ago that he had kids with. Current wife and small kids. House was in her and grandparents names lol 😂


Image source: carlauna, Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I was with a guy for an entire year and met his whole family before finding out he was married 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Image source: mindsetbae, Darya Ezerskaya / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My family threw a surprise birthday party for my cousin. Cuz brought a girl she liked as her date. I brought a guy I knew for a while and was casually dating. When my cousin and her date came in, he told me he’d met her date before and they had some mutual friends. During the party Cuz brought her date over and introduced her to us, her date says hi to my date etc.

He left before I did (which I knew beforehand), but on his way out he made a beeline to Cuz’s table to say bye to her date. I thought that was odd. The next day I have lunch with Cuz and her date, date turns to me and says “you know he’s married right?” Pulled out her phone and asks in a group chat, they confirm. Not only did he tell me he was divorced but I’d slept at his house before.


Image source: whitneyanntobey, Getty Images / Unspalsh (not the actual photo)

A friend was staying with me while going through divorce. She started dating some guy she met, and he had some sob story about how they couldn’t get a place together because he was living with his baby mama because she couldn’t pay the bills without him. Her father owned the house they lived in (friend knew this). He said he -would- move out, but he couldn’t get approved on applications due to a “petty theft when he was 17”. 🙄

After hearing this story several times from her I told her “I know better, court and arrest records are public information in this state” (we were not in her home state). This guy had a slew of arrests for a*sault, armed robery, and serious drug charges. And several lawsuits for debt, evictions, and claims for damage to rental properties. My friend was just an idiot and thought I was, too.


Image source: _navxx_29, dole777 / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

So in the beginning of covid I met this guy online and we exchanged social media. Now this is on me, but I didn’t really bring up exchanging real numbers. I guess because I had gotten out of something and wasn’t expecting much. Long story short he kept saying he lives with his younger brother. And it would be weird if I came over so that’s why I couldn’t go. He lied about what city he was in, but one fine day his wife decides to msg me on Instagram revealing everything.


Image source: somrains, RDNE Stock project / Pexels (not the actual photo)

When we were still together, my ex would tell women I was anyone from just a roommate to an ex that he was living with to “help” with bills. The affair that ended our marriage was when she showed up at my door because something felt off. She saw me with her own eyes & I confirmed with receipts that we were still married & together. She chose to stay with him after I kicked him to the curb & divorced him. I have it on good authority that karma came for them both. I’m thankful she took out my 🗑️.


Met a guy and he seemed nice. Shortly after we met his ex-wife got messaged me, saying he was an ab*ser. When I brought it to his attention. He said she was a witch n wants to ruin his life. My dumb a*s gave him a chance anyway. Believing his stories of their marriage. Almost a year exactly to the day we met, he tried to k**l me. I had never been beaten so badly in my life. Then girls start sending me dms asking where he was n saying I had been ab*sing him. Wtf. He only did 59 days.

Image source: natnat9ers


Image source: _bourgeoisebrat, Windows / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Looked up this guy’s record. He had a record for DV. Against my better judgement I gave him a chance… he blew my phone up over 100 messages in 15 minutes because I was sleep. He called me every name in the book and told me we should still be friends because he neve disrespected me…. 6 months later he was arrested for breaking into his ex’s family home.


Image source: itsme.imtheproblem3, Anastasia Bondareva / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I literally found out last night (through my own sleuthing) this guy who tries to keep leading me on and has been for years is married!!! And has been for at least 4 years, during which he’s behaved towards me like a single guy (albeit a single guy with very little free time). 🤮 I only wish I’d put in the time online to figure out why it felt sus, when I basically been over backwards to be available to meet him, but he’d always bail or not show. My friends called him Mr ghost. Dirty rotten tool.


Image source: sara_serendipitously, Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I was seeing a guy and one night I went pulled up to his home and we were chilling in the car he tried to aggressively kiss me and i left and stopped talking to him.

A few months later he was on the news for kidnapping his ex from work, broke into a woman’s home and k**led her and placed her dog in a freezer and then unalived himself in jail.


I met someone who just seemed off with a story he told me. I Googled him and the first thing that came up was the United States vs B.J. He told me he had lived in Florida for a few years. He didn’t tell me he was a guest of a Federal Penitentiary. For Child P*rnography. Then tried to blame his crime on his teenage son!

Image source: maura3150


Image source: mamascraftychaos, Andrej Lišakov / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Talked to a guy for a few months, we lived like an hour away and worked different schedules so just never found a chance to meet up. One day he mentions his kid… umm what kid??

Oh his two kids and wife he lives with. He thought I wouldn’t mind. Like wtf.


Image source: technicolorcrone, Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

The first guy I had a situationship after my marriage ended made a comment about his “roommate’s kids… I mean dogs” 👀 his roommate was his gf of 4 years whom he lived with. The “dogs” were her kids he was playing daddy for.

His car? Hers. His multiple jobs that kept him too busy to see me? Unemployment + video games. His trip to Anaheim to renew his licensing for work? His in-laws took them to Disneyland.

They will write whole novels with themselves as hero. Don’t ever take a man at his word.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



Dating, dating secrets, men, relationships, women