Old Romanian Glass-Plate Photos Revitalized With Color And Digital Magic
The re-discovery of over 5,000 glass plate negatives by Romanian photographer Costica Acsinte in 2013 was a sensation for historians and professional photographers alike. Australia-based photographer Jane Long created original artworks based on Acsinte’s newly-discovered black and white photos, giving them color and a sense of magic with digital manipulation. Each of these portraits carries a unique story, which Long tried to elaborate upon in her own artistic way.
Acsinte was thought to be perhaps the only professional photographer in Romania who took portraits during WWI and for decades after its end, so his newly-found negatives, which were feared to be lost, were painstakingly digitized to preserve them before they suffered any more damage.
More info: photomerchant.net | janelong.com.au | Facebook (h/t: petapixel)
Got wisdom to pour?
THe new digital pictures look too fake, I prefer the original ones because they keep the character and personality of the people in the pictures.
I much prefer the originals… they’re so full of character and atmosphere. Unfortunately, for me at least, the digitals are too slick and superficial…
The digitalized pictures are a bit whimsical, I prefer the originals. Interesting to see pictures from them days :-)