25 Everyday Problems That Someone Should Have Resolved By Now

Published 2 weeks ago

These days it seems like there is a hack to do everything and anything. With millions of people going through similar daily struggles, some genius has usually come up with an out-of-the-box method to resolve most of our daily inconveniences in life. 

However, there are still some small annoyances that we have to deal with even now. It’s irksome to think that no one has figured out how to fix these minor challenges but sadly, that appears to be the case. Scroll below to check out the everyday annoyances that people feel shouldn’t exist anymore because someone should have found a way to resolve them by now.

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#1 When I was a kid, there were a bunch of vacuums around from the 60s and 70s that had retractable cords. What happened? I want retractable cords on everything. You just gave it a little tug and and swallowed up the entire cord. I want one on my blender, my stand mixer, and my food processor please.

Image source: helluva_monsoon, cottonbro studio

#2 Successfully cleaning the inside of a windshield. What’s up with that science?

Image source: FalstaffsMind, Big Element

#3 Inserting a single photo into Microsoft Word without the formatting of all 300 pages getting destroyed.

Image source: Narhay, Ed Hardie

#4 That pesky cancer thing. Why hasn’t it been cured?

Image source: Walstiber, Thirdman

#5 **M***********g leaf blowers.**

We can land a somewhat autonomous robot on another f*****g *planet* that can f*****g *tweet* to us, and yet somehow we still deal with leaves by using a device *louder than a goddamn jet engine* that doesn’t even *remove* the leaves, but simply moves them from point A to point B?????

And for some f*****g reason, these ungodly loud devices are almost exclusively used as early as humanly possible in the mornings.

Absolutely f**k leaf blowers.

Image source: ranchojasper

#6 Why insurance companies are allowed to increase premiums if you use the service you pay the premium for.

Image source: False_Grape1326, Mikhail Nilov

#7 I’d really like it if google and youtube would stop asking me if I want to sign in. Just let me look up whatever it is and leave me alone! If I wanted to be signed in, I would’ve done it already! All it does is annoy me when they randomly ask while I’m trying to do something.

Image source: idratherchangemyold1, Christian Wiediger

#8 Elevators need an option to press a floor button a second time to cancel. And the open and close buttons should be color coded red and green. In the split second it takes for my brain to process the symbols it’s too late to open the door and I look like a prick.

Image source: ThatPancreatitisGuy, Derrick Treadwell

#9 Strong pain meds that don’t make you addicted to them or drowsy. Just like an Advil but very strong.

Image source: srirachaninja, Ron Lach

#10 Any random ATM knows everything about my bank account, including my balance and my PIN, but it has no idea if I prefer to speak English or Spanish.

Image source: whiskyfuktober, VAZHNIK

#11 Dust accumulation. I don’t need AI in everything, I need a gadget that would suck dust particles from the air before they get to settle on every surface at home.

Image source: OpalisedCat, SHVETS production

#12 Do you want to save your password?
Password saved.
…trying to sign in…
The information entered doesn’t match our records. Please reset password.

Image source: Wild_Television_6735

#13 Why do cars have carpets inside? I’d much rather have the WeatherTech type material throughout – easier to clean, doesn’t stain or hold smells.  Also no fiber transfer, if I’m feeling a little murder-y.

Image source: Fair_Host_595, Mike Bird

#14 The standard 8-hour workday/5-day work week.

Image source: sea_bunny

#15 Menopause. I know technically you can’t solve it, but I can’t believe the medical community hasn’t figured out how to relieve symptoms at least.

Image source: TeacherLady3, cottonbro studio

#16 Tipping at restaurants (USA). Can’t employers simply pay servers a working wage?

Image source: DareWright, Dan Smedley

#17 People starving to death.

Image source: roddangfield, Jimmy Chan

#18 Throwing away so much plastic waste. Why do they make biodegradable dog poop bags but we can’t get food grade biodegradable bags?

Image source: thefarmhousestudio, Magda Ehlers

#19 The freaking chirping sounds that come from household smoke detectors when the batteries are low. You can NEVER figure out which one it is, you may slice open a finger trying to open the battery compartment, and it always starts chirping in the middle of the night. For the love of GOD, why isn’t there a better way!?!?!?!

Image source: pajamaspancakes, espensorvik

#20 Eating. We figured it out for animals… I want kibble for people, designed specifically for my dietary, health, and genetic profile. No more wasting hours and hours a month shopping, planning, cooking, cleaning… it’s tiring. I love a good meal, but 80% of the time I’m just trying to fill up so I can get on with my day. I’d like a pouch on my hip that’s got my daily food and I just toss back a handful of crunchies throughout the day. .

Image source: iPadBob, cottonbro studio

#21 Mammograms…. There’s got to be a way to invent a mammogram machine that doesn’t squeeze your breasts in a clamp so tight that you feel you might pass out. It’s like a medieval torture device, surely with all the technology now they could find something less painful.

Image source: DareWright, National Cancer Institute

#22 Side effects from medication for a condition that are the same as some symptoms of the condition.

Image source: LadyMelmo, Karolina Kaboompics

#23 Why do printers so reliably not print?

Image source: Underwater_Karma, Mahrous Houses

#24 Having to verify ones identify 50,000 times when you are on the same call with a company trying to get customer service. I gave you my name, my address, phone number, secret password, secret code by text etc. It’s damn ridiculous!

Image source: juliet1595


Image source: wifeunderthesea, Erik Mclean

It makes trying to have a midnight snack without waking up the entire house f*****g impossible. it’s enraging.

**a special double F**K YOU to sun chips! those f*****g bags can be heard being opened from space. i don’t know what they make those bags out of, but i swear to god they cause ear damage.**.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



annoying, daily inconveniences, everyday inconveniences, everyday problems, irksome, struggles