Dad Builds “Bi-Chair” For Bisexual Daughter And It’s Perfect For People Who “Can’t Sit Straight”

Published 6 years ago

Má Matiazi is an artist who has recently created a funny sketch of something called the “Bi-Chair“, a chair specifically designed for “people who can’t sit straight”, inspired by the media’s portrayal of gay people sitting in awkward positions. And even though it was meant as a joke, one father actually turned the sketch into a real piece of furniture for his bisexual daughter.

In an interview with Bored Panda, the father who built the chair, Israel Walker, said he wanted to do a simple woodworking project with his daughter before school started and wanted to teach her turning 2D sketches into usable objects. No projects really caught his attention until he saw Má’s sketch – he instantly thought that his daughter would love it. “I got a hold of a Má and she said that would be fine if I made my own version, so that’s what we did,” said Israel.

More info: Facebook (Israel Walker) | Facebook (M. Matiazi) | | Instagram

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Recently, artist Má Matiazi created a funny sketch of a chair designed “for people who can’t sit straight”

Image credits: Má Matiazi

“It was very unexpected when he [Israel Walker] spoke to me. I was in disbelief people could be so hyped about my [crappy] sketch!” said Má in an interview with Bored Panda. “Israel was very kind, he spoke to me very respectfully, which is not something we’re used to as non-famous artists. People usually just come and steal our things, you know? So for being such a nice guy with such a cool daughter, well, I was excited to see this [project] done, he did a great job!”

She was inspired by the media’s stereotype that bisexuals only sit in awkward positions

Image credits: eIektranatchio

Image credits: harleivy

For the artist, the chair was just a spontaneous joke and she did not expect to receive so much attention. However, inspired by Israel’s creation, the artist is currently working with a friend to create a 3D model. “Maybe one day I’ll go for a life-sized one. I’d love to sit in a bi-chair because I made it thinking about myself,” joked the artist.

“I’m happy to see people sharing and having fun with the sketch,” said the artist. “Bisexuality is invisible in most conversations, so it’s nice to see my sketch about it getting so much visibility. It’s been a crazy experience.”

One father actually turned the ‘Bi-chair’ into a real piece of furniture

Image credits: mamatiazi

Image credits: Má Matiazi

“My daughter loves the chair, in what I think is the standard teenager “my weird dad does cool stuff sometimes” kind of way,” says Israel. “She is really excited about how much positive attention we’ve gotten for bi and non-binary folks.”

The man spent a few hours tweaking the design before finally building the chair in less than two hours. He says that everyone who wants to build their own Bi-Chair should be able to. “I redesigned the rustic chair I built to be a little simpler, and I have permission from Má to give those plans away from free,” says Israel.

Image credits: Má Matiazi

Image credits: Má Matiazi

“The support from the LGBTQ community about this has been mind-blowing. I have a lot of ideas, but I never really thought people would respond so positively to this sort of thing. I’d love to build custom furniture for any size, shape, or identity of person,” says Isreal. He even created an Etsy shop where you can buy one yourself!

“I’m a cis/hetero appearing white male veteran, so I’m one of the most privileged people in the U.S., and I wouldn’t presume to offer advice to people who got less of a free leg up in society than I did, but I can share my experience,” said the father. “I’m polyamorous and pansexual. I have all the same problems and insecurities I had when I wasn’t out, but I don’t blame them on people suspecting my secrets anymore.  That’s one less thing to worry about, and that does make life better.”

Walker decided to build the chair for his daughter after contacting artist Matiazi and asking for her permission to use her design. Walker’s post on Facebook was shared over 3,300 times, got over 390 comments and over 2,300 likes. Which just goes to show that this modern dad knows how to get the younger generation’s attention.

People had mixed feelings about the chair

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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