Young Russian Artist Creates Adorably Creepy Fantasy Dolls

Published 11 years ago

A 23-year-old Russian artist, known as Santani by the DeviantArt community, combines fantasy and realism in her impressive doll sculptures. Santani creates these dolls using materials like fimo clay, cernit, sculpey, sonnet and fabric fur, which makes the solid sculptures look like fluffy creatures.

Some think they look like milder version of Spielberg’s gremlins while others may see them as peculiar anime creatures. Some can’t even believe these cute little creatures aren’t real. Even though they elicit different associations, the fact is that they are in great demand.

Source: deviantart | vkontakte

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animal dolls, creepy dolls, cute dolls, dolls, fantasy dolls, fantasy sculptures, full-post, gremlin toys, gremlins, handmade dolls, otherworldly dolls, Santani, sculpture, sculpture dolls, toys