35 Wholesome Stories Of Pets Adopted In November

Published 4 months ago

There’s something magical about finding your furry soulmate, and the stories of pet adoptions are among the most heartwarming tales you’ll ever hear. As the chill of November set in, countless animals found their forever homes, filling hearts with warmth and joy just in time for the holidays.

November was a month of wagging tails, tiny paws, and happy purrs as families opened their doors—and their hearts—to rescue pets in need. From senior dogs finally getting a soft bed to kittens experiencing love for the first time, these stories remind us that adoption is not just a choice; it’s a transformative journey for both the animals and their new owners.

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#1 It’s Only Three Weeks Old And So Cute! My Friend’s Cat Gave Birth To 4, Which I Just Adopted

Image source: WorriedTie8626

#2 My Boy

This is my bestest boy Ares or pud pud as I call him, he’s a retired bomb detection dog and was retired early as he’s gone deaf (not a work related injury). He’s been a working dog all his life until we got him and now he’s a couch potato. He was trained to be rewarded with a tennis ball so he goes crazy over any ball. He never had toys before so we bought him an array of different toys to see what he would like and he didn’t know what to do with them, but slowly he’s learned how to be a dog and play. He’s my 5th dog, second lab and fourth lab throughout our family, but he’s my wife’s first ever dog, she was never a dog person before and didn’t understand the relationships and bonds people form with their dogs untill he came into her life, and now she is a full on dog mum who pays more attention to him then me hahaha Just wanted to drop in and introduce our boy

Image source: raccoon-overlord

#3 My Husband And The Dog He Did *not* Want To Adopt

Image source: jenn_d

#4 This Is Dumpling, She’s 15 And I Adopted Her Last Weekend

Image source: MikeMeikMaik

#5 Got This One Eyed Beauty Today. Meet Squid

Image source: Monjat

#6 I Adopted The Least Approachable Cat At The Shelter. He Was Fearful, Had Been There For Months, And Was Very Aggressive Toward People. After Eight Months Of Patience And Nurturing, He’s Transformed Into The Sweetest, Most Loving Lap Cat

Image source: Anwarul1982

#7 We Adopted This Old Gentleman!

Image source: LazuliArtz

#8 The Cat I Adopted Jumped On My Lap For The 1st Time And I Cried

Image source: WrathfullMedea

#9 I Adopted My First Own Dog And Her Name Is Dana

Image source: BlueberrySympathizer

#10 My First Kitty Cat Ivy. She’s 17 Years Old

Image source: Haunting-Particular7

#11 Update On The Void We Adopted 4 Days Ago

The cat distribution system works in mysterious ways. We adopted this cat from the shelter 4 (!!!!!) days ago and she was incredibly shy, timid, and scared. She would hiss at us when we came into her room and would hardly leave her igloo bed. Fast forward to now, she is quickly becoming my Velcro cat. After two days I coaxed her to come to the living room with treat bribery, and to my surprise she jumped up on the couch with me. Now, she follows me around, comes when I call (usually. She is still a cat after all), and sleeps curled up next to us on the couch. I was expecting weeks of aloof-ness from her. She truly was meant to be with us??‍⬛

Image source: punkmetalsquid

#12 Her Adoptive Dad

Image source: -rock_on-

#13 We Have Added A Void To The Family

Image source: wonderingdragonfly

#14 Meet Poppy ???

Image source: Solarpoweredhippie

#15 The Day We Adopted Ingrid, She Kept Looking For Rocko To Play With

Image source: LMojito

#16 I Adopted This Sweet Old Lady Whisper (Estimated 10-11), She’s Such A Sweetheart Despite What She’s Been Through!

She was a stray majority of her life, and was up for adoption for several years before I took her in. She’s had her pelvis broken in a standup against a stray dog, stood up for herself against other stray cats, on top of having stomatitis. Her foster mom was looking after here for some time and held onto the hope that someone would take Whisper in, since she really loved being indoors and snuggling. I hope I can give her a happy life for however long she has. She’s a strong little girl with such a gentle spirit.

Image source: SashimiCake

#17 This Is Charlie – She Is A Beautiful Whirlwind Of Chaos!

Image source: esmeuk

#18 16 Year Old Cat Niuniu (It’s His First Time In A Home!)

Image source: ayaoops

#19 My Mom Adopted This Adult Cat, And Now She’s The Boss Of The Couch

Image source: Fun_City_3764

#20 We Adopted A “Fully Grown 2-3 Year Old Cat”. But He’s Actually A 1-Year-Old Kitten, Is Now 18lbs And Over 36” Long And Still Growing

Image source: mittenthemagnificent

#21 Welcome To The Family, My Lil Toast Boys!

Adopted two little brothers who had gone from one shelter to another due to the shelter running out of room. They’re both 4 months old!!! The smaller boy of the two with the green collar is named Honey and the larger yellow collar boy is Butter!
I’ve been so overjoyed by their presence in mine and my partners lives. I’ve been wanting my own cat for decades now…. I can’t wait to see them grow and show us what their personalities can become!

Image source: mythicapixy

#22 First Guinea Pig!!

Image source: LightBlue_LavaLamp42

#23 What Was This Cutie Doing At Rescue Centre?

Recently adopted this cute fella from rescue centre. He is only 1.9yo and he was from an animal cruelty case? Cant imagine how much he has been through! Glad that he is slowly opening up to me way to go?

Image source: anonymousjj_

#24 Boots & Scarlett

Image source: NancyInPa

#25 My Cat Adopted Me

Image source: Vegas-_-666

#26 Rescued This Calico Angel Three Weeks Ago And Now She’s Fully Part Of The Family ?

Image source: vainglorias

#27 Meet Mr. Louis!

Image source: EconomistOk3262

#28 This Cat Literally Adopted Me, Not The Other Way Around

Image source: Heavy-Mechanic-9707

#29 I Adopted Him Two Weeks Ago From The Animal Shelter.. What A Blessing ! I Already Love Him To The Moon And Back ☺️

Image source: Realistic-Shallot288

#30 Welcome Home Big Boy!

Hello husky people I just wanted to show off our beautiful new 8-year-old rescue. I wanted to share my great story. My daughter found him roaming when she got off the school bus, naturally brought him home where we kept him overnight, fed him gave him water and had animal control take him to the shelter the next morning. Turns out he was chipped but when they took him to his address associated with the chip the people no longer lived there so they kept him at the shelter for 7 days. After 7 days he became property the shelter and we adopted him immediately. He is kinda skinny that we will work on. And had insanely overgrown nails, and needed a major brushing, which we took care of on day 1.
And here we are 2 weeks later with Mr. Juno. He’s not as loud as I was led to believe husky are. Like not even a single bark yet. And we are just now getting to enjoy watching him playing with his border Collie brothers toys. And sometimes an occasional kitty toy.
Oh and boy she’s he love my daughters bed. It’s seriously the comfiest place on earth he thinks.

Image source: DeedleGuy

#31 I’m 38 Years Old And Finally Adopted A Dog (The Love Of My Life) Today

Image source: thenothingsongtx

#32 First Time Adopting

Image source: bwasilewski

#33 New Kittens Are Ridiculous At Night

I adopted two 6 month old kittens (brother and sister) about 3 weeks ago. They are adorable and have adapted really well to their new home. They greet me when I get home from work and like plenty of snuggles and pets. The problem is around 8 or 9pm they turn into absolute terrorists.
They start playing which is really cute because they hide and stalk each other around corners. But then they chase each other like maniacs around my small apartment knocking things over, climbing my curtains, jumping and making all kinds of noise. I have put away everything I possibly can so only the bare minimum is sitting out but they still wreak havoc for hours.
They were in the bathroom exclusively for a few days when I first got them and they did the same thing in there.
I know cats are more active in the evening so I’m not really concerned that it’s abnormal but holy moly is there anything I can do?? I’m mostly concerned about the noise bc I live in an apartment and I’m worried my neighbors will complain.

Image source: blt9429

#34 My 11 Year Old Mutt

Image source: jessdep18

#35 Just Adopted This Dog From The K*ll Shelter For $25. I Believe He’s A Dogo Argentino. He Was Found As A Stray, And He’s The Sweetest Dog!

Image source: No_Rice8282

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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adopted animals, adopted pets, Amazing Animals, animals, cute animals, pets