15 Of The Biggest Marketing Fails, From This TikTok Account
Just as there are some amazing ads that blow us away with the genius of the creators behind the campaign, there are some equally poorly constructed ideas that not only fail to attract an audience but in fact, actively repel modern-day viewers.
The Oxford College of Marketing have collected such marketing fails especially from the noughties decade and shared them on their TikTok page. The Noughties were pretty well known for its inappropriate fat jokes, misogyny and lame gay jokes that were unfortunately quite rampant as you will see from the below posts.
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing, source
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Image source: oxfordcollegeofmarketing
Got wisdom to pour?
Pepsi released an ad featuring Kendall Jenner that attempted to co-opt protest movements for commercial gain. The ad was widely criticized for trivializing important social and political issues, and it was eventually pulled. https://sassastatuscheck350.co.za/
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Not surprised, marketing can be really tricky lol https://sassa-status.co.za
Yes, i agreed. msrketing its too tricky https://rantiethnicity.com/jann-mardenborough-net-worth-a-rising-star-in-motorsports/