These Artists Create Creepy Comics With Unpredictable Endings (3 New Comics)
Writer Ehud Lavski and illustrator Yael Nathan is an artist duo that specializes in creating dark comics featuring unexpected and grim endings. The two have been creating comics for the past few years and can proudly say that their comics have been read over 20 million times. This time Ehud and Yael are back with 3 new comics that will send a shiver down your spine – consider yourself warned.
Yael says that the ideas for the comics come from anywhere – some may appear fully formed, while others may come from their dreams or even nightmares. “Whenever an idea burrows into my head and refuses to let go, I know it’s time to turn it into one of our stories,” says the illustrator.
Check out Ehud and Yael’s latest comics in the gallery below and if you want more, see our previous posts here and here.
More info: kickstarter.com | elcomics.net | gumroad.com | Facebook
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