28 Creative T-Shirt Designs Demonstrate That “Image on Chest” Isn’t The Only Choice
T-shirts these days are the go-to choice for business-casual and casual-casual looks alike, so why shouldn’t we expect something more creative? Here are 28 creative t-shirt ideas that take it up a notch. Instead of taking the easy way out with a simple witty phrase or a Photoshopped image of an astronaut with a boombox, these designers got creative.
Except for that guy who came up with the t-shirt+necklace combo. That’s cheating!
More than any other piece of attire, the t-shirt is a blank canvas for your personal expression. You can’t change your jacket or pants to represent your favorite video game or political views, but t-shirts proudly extol your views and hobbies.
(h/t: boredpanda)
Image credits: ezyshop.sg
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: gladditutesbumptees.spreadshirt.com
Image credits: threadless.com
Image creadits: badideatshirts.com
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: addicteed
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: thewinthropchronicles.blogspot.com
Image credits: capcom-unity.com
Image credits: GJP Advertising + Design, Toronto, Canada
Image credits: luftundliebe.eu
Image credits: BBDO Cape Town, South Africa
Image credits: designbyhumans.com
Image credits: shikisai
Image credits: Lina D.
Image credits: Chris Theirbert
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: thechalkboardtee.com
Image credits: DDB Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil
Image credits: Wanthathing
Image credits: DDB Singapore
Image credits: unknown
Image credits: imgur.com
Image credits: Dutch football federation
Image credits: shikisai
Image credits: Maak Roberts
Image credits: BETC Euro RSCG, Paris, France
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Nice Design! If you want more designs use the Print on Demand