15 Of The Most Creative Real-Life Trolls
Creativity can be found in many places, and sometimes you can find it even in places where you hoped you won’t. Yeah, we’re talking about those modern day trolls roaming the streets among us and turning ordinary situations into hilarious ones.
Inga Korolkovaite has compiled a list for Bored Panda filled with these funny deeds by the smartasses who just couldn’t let the opportunity pass them by. From funny sticky notes at work to flipping every book cover in the library’s mystery section, these guys sure seem to have a lot of time on their hands…
#1 Well Someone Is A Smartass
Image source: Mr-Wonderfull
#2 My Mom Told Me To “Clean The Bathroom Like The Queen Of England Is Visiting”
Image source: glnito
#3 Smartass
Image source: APPLEZACKS
#4 You’re Welcome
Image source: toodrunktofindaurl
#5 Catch Me If You Can, Dr. Hedgehog
Image source: sourcreamjunkie
#6 When Only Given Two Options You Don’t Wanna Do, Just Improvise
Image source: unknown.
#7 Forever In The Friend Zone
Image source: jcravenw
#8 Helpful Advice
Image source: reddit.com
#9 Siri’s Being A Sarcastic B*@%ch
Image source: TheFiims
#10 No Problem
Image source: unknown.
#11 Sarcastic Wall Photo
Image source: fluffycloud10
#12 My Wife Wanted Her Sandwich Cut In Half. She Was Non-Specific As To How
Image source: leftnotracks
#13 First World Anarchist
Image source: briansolis
#14 Okay, Who’s The Smart Ass That Did It?
Image source: HerrWombat
#15 Smartass Commentator
Image source: imgur.com
Sometimes pranks like these turn into something more massive. Just like that time when two office buildings in NYC started a full-blown sticky notes war.
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