15 Awesome Low Budget Guerrilla Marketing Examples
You don’t need millions of dollars to make a successful advertisement. As these shop owners will prove in a moment, what you need is a bit of creativity, possibly mixed with a pinch of humor.
Instead of a traditional approach, these shop owners chose guerrilla marketing. For those who don’t know, it’s a marketing strategy that focuses on imaginative original ideas and a minimal or no budget at all. Ads like that work by catching unsuspecting customers off guard and even if they don’t make them start buying stuff immediately, it will sure leave them with a smile on their face.
(h/t: boredpanda)
#1 Walked Into My Local Grocery Store. Wasn’t Disappointed
Image source: Knoezelbos
#2 You Have To Be Creative Sometimes
Image source: WoodlandsCreature
#3 Nice Skirt
Image source: imgur.com
#4 Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Cheese
#5 Found This At A Gas Station
Image source: bushaw16
#6 Saw This At Our Local Grocery Store
Image source: imgur.com
#7 Found This At My Local Supermarket
Image source: korvslask
#8 New Seasonal Item In The Produce Department At The Grocery Store
Image source: mcledger
#9 I Found A Grumpy Friend In Whole Foods
Image source: SirYoureMakingAScene
#10 Found This At A Local Whole Foods
Image source: gowriteasong
#11 I Think My Local Target Is Trying To Tell Me Something
Image source: imgur.com
#12 My Local Asian Supermarket Sells Mega Meat
Image source: Nasicournus
#13 Education Is Important
#14 How To Advertise Potatoes
Image source: phelix808
#15 Our Local Harmon’s Grocery In-store Advertising For Their Dragon Fruit
Image source: Cascavel2014
Want more ads? Then check out these powerful social ad campaigns.
Got wisdom to pour?
Video content is one of the most effective ways to spread information. This is convenient for the user and does not require any effort from him, which improves the perception. This is why using video content to promote goods and services will be more effective than regular text advertising. I advise you to learn more about the features of video production here
There are many proxy servers that companies can use to secure their online presence. It’s just a necessity to carry out your marketing strategy. You can always find a tool to test your proxy speed here https://proxybros.com/checker/