20 Funny Illustrations Created By Combining Real-Life Objects With Drawings

Published 1 year ago

Art has the power to transcend boundaries and capture the imagination in ways that are both innovative and inspiring. Iranian artist Majid Khosroanjom is a master at merging the realms of art and reality through his unique illustrations.

With an exceptional eye for detail and a knack for incorporating real-life objects, Khosroanjom’s artwork takes on a whole new dimension. Check out his captivating illustrations that showcase his creativity and ability to blur the lines between the tangible and the imagined.

More info: Instagram

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Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid


Image source: khosroanjom_majid

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, artist, creative illustrations, illustrations, Iranian Artist, Majid Khosroanjom