10 Annoyingly Creative Delivery Guys
You can make any job more exciting if you’re willing to go that extra mile. Don’t believe me? Then take a look at these delivery guys, who are adding a creative twist while delivering your precious packages.
Bored Pandas have compiled a list of these delivery fails / wins (really depends on which camp you’re in), and we bring you the 10 very best. From hiding your package on the roof, to fully invading your house, these delivery guys will make you think twice before ordering that toilet paper with Donald Trump’s face on it (oh yeah, it’s a thing).
#1 As Requested
Image source: imgur.com
#2 I Hate You, Delivery Guy
Image source: carpwrist
#3 Look Up
Image source: notmyrealnombre
#4 FedEx Decided To Get Creative On Me
Image source: roofusthedoofus
#5 I Don’t Live In A Great A Neighborhood. Thanks, USPS
Image source: sashslingingslasher
#6 Super Hidden, Thanks FedEx
Image source: steved1987
#7 I Think FedEx Used My Package In A Murder Before They Delivered It
Image source: fred_dawg
#8 Tried To Surprise My Mum For Mother’s Day. Put This In The Special Requirements And They Printed It On The Box
Image source: NicoleDaviess_
#9 Your Package Has Arrived!
Image source: j0be
#10 UPS Guy Gives No F**ks
Image source: oldbluebox
Got wisdom to pour?
The problem of lost parcels is quite common. This often happens due to incorrectly specified data. ZIP codes have greatly simplified the sorting of parcels, helped reduce the number of errors during its processing and made it possible to deliver letters and parcels in the shortest possible time. On this site you can always find out your postal code