Crane Operator Captures Stunning Pictures of Shanghai From 2,000 Ft High
Although operating a crane on construction site doesn’t sound very romantic, Wei Gensheng might change your mind. Taking his camera to work, the professional crane operator managed to shoot some breathtaking photos from 2,000 ft height that have already won him the second prize in Shanghai City Photography Competition.
Gensheng is working on the second highest building in the world – the Shanghai Tower. Fortunately for us, he lets us see what kind of view the future residents of the hotel are going to have when the building is completed in 2014. The images are really amazing and so are the numbers. The tower is designed to be 2,073 feet (632 meters) high and have 121 storeys. It’s only topped by Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai which is the tallest building in the world reaching 2,722 feet (829.8 meters) in height.
Source: Wei Gensheng/HAP/Quirky China News/REX
Got wisdom to pour?
This might sound stupid and unrelated, but how does he get up there?
Damn. Now that’s HIGH!
Damn, does this guy even work?
He works as a crane operator
Damn, does this guy even work?