Craft Bicycle – The ultimate bamboo bike

Published 9 years ago

Craft Bicycle (, a new, full-service small cyclist companies on a mission to change the way people think about bicycles and cyclist transportation, last month unveiled their IndieGoGo campaign for garnering widespread support and financial backing to manufacture the first-ever bamboo-constructed bicycle by them.

Borne from a passion for stressing the importance of the journey, not the end destination, Craft Bicycle wants to help everyone see how exquisite and beautiful a bicycle structure can be when gliding down the elusive paths and roads of our world.

“We’re not like other bicycle manufacturing companies out there today – we’re obsessed with the craft, attention to detail, and finished product of our unique creations,” said Ion Morozan, Founder and Owner of Craft Bicycle. “It’s not about quantity to us; it’s about quality. Our finished products are works of art, and we want the opportunity to share them with the world and the biking enthusiasts of our greater community.”

Craft Bicycle is an eco-friendly bike that looks and rides like no other bike in the world today. It’s unique retro design comprised from bamboo, a raw material that is the second best natural absorber of CO2 in the world, makes it an eye-catching and environmentally sustainable approach to cycling transportation.

“The bamboo ensures a high strength-to-weight ratio, vibration dampening, and sustainable growth for all users,”. “Best of all, they’re incredibly lightweight and visually stimulating to the eyes.” They’ve already completed several prototypes in their small shop, and are looking to the IndieGoGo community for the next step in the production process.

Craft Bicycle is looking to not only garner funds and interest on IndieGoGo, but also secure press exposure for educating bicyclists and travelers on the eco-friendly properties of bamboo.

Order your unique bamboo bike here:

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bamboo, bike, city, crowdfunding, eco, green, indiegogo, retro, sustainable