Cowboy Museum Lets Their Head Of Security Handle Their Twitter Account And His Tweets Are Beyond Wholesome
Who doesn’t love cowboys? The hats, lasso’s and bucking bronco’s – what’s not to love? Apparently some people love cowboys so much, they even opened a museum dedicated to them in Oklahoma. It’s called the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum and one of their employees, Tim Send, recently went viral for reasons you might not expect.
More info: nationalcowboymuseum.org | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
This cowboy museum’s head of security was recently made in charge of its Twitter account
Image credits: ncwhm
Tim, who works as the museum’s head of security, was recently made in charge of the museum’s Twitter account.
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Image credits: ncwhm
Tim proved to be just the right man for the job – his wholesome and informative tweets were quickly picked up by people and started receiving thousands of likes.
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Image credits: ncwhm
If this guy’s tweets don’t make you want to buy a cowboy hat and a pair of leather chaps, I don’t know what will.
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Even Woody himself made it to the museum! I wonder if Buzz did too – as a space cowboy, maybe?
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According to the museum’s website, it has over 28,000 pieces of cowboy memorabilia.
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Image credits: ncwhm
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Image credits: ncwhm
Image credits: ncwhm
Sadly, just a few days after Tim’s tweets went viral, the museum had to be closed after a state of emergency was declared by Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt. But don’t worry – it’s not going anywhere and after the quarantine is lifted, you can visit the museum and shake Tim’s hand yourself.
People loved Tim’s hilarious tweets
Image credits: bethcourter
Image credits: ncwhm
And just kept asking for more
Image credits: TheTFly
Image credits: DewinterAmber
Image credits: LKshawver
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