Artist Illustrates What Would Happen If Disney World Was Struck By Coronavirus (33 Pics)
AL, AKA aldoarts on Instagram, is a 38-year-old artist and from Northern California. He is known for his illustrations featuring Disney characters and recently the artist created a series of new ones where he tried to imagine what would happen if Disney World was struck by coronavirus.
In an interview with Bored Panda, AL revealed that he had some extra time and motivation to create these illustrations during the pandemic. “I wanted to find a way to spread some joy and find some light in the situation that we’re all in,” said the artist. “I thought it was a good idea to combine Disney characters.”
More info: Instagram
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Disney has always been an important part of AL’s life “I was raised on VHS Disney movies, so having Disney as subjects for my art brings me joy and reminds me of my childhood,” says the artist.
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
AL says that his inspiration comes from life and the things that are happening around him. “I have a few illustrations about toilet paper—and the inspiration actually came from my personal experience of having difficulties trying to find toilet paper during the pandemic,” revealed the artist.
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
The artist has been sharing his art on Instagram since 2018. He has been following a few artists on the app and thought it would be fun to share some artwork of his own. “The feedback I received has been great!” says AL. “The Disney and art community that I interact with have been very supportive.”
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
“Art block or lack of motivation can be a challenge sometimes. The biggest reward is hearing how my art has made someone’s day or made them laugh,” says AL. “It’ll will continue to be a way for me to express myself creatively and be able to spark joy in others. My little way of giving to the world.”
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
Image source: aldoarts
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