15 Cool and Creative Fridge Magnets

Published 15 years ago

While most of you think that refrigerator magnets are made only for sticking various notes or just decoration, advertisers see it as an effective way to advertise things. It is estimated that magnets are used on at least 80% of household refrigerators and most households view their fridge door over 40 times per day. Keep that in mind when planning your next ad campaign!

Interesting Fact: first refrigerator magnet patent was obtained by William Zimmerman of St. Louis, Missouri, only in the early 1970s’ [1]

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1. Hands


2. Bacon Magnets


3. Dew Drops

(Designer: Sangwoo Nam)

4. LOL Magnets


5. Bottle Opener

(Designer: unknown)

6. Guitars


7. iMagnets


8. Leaves


9. Photoshop Tool Boxes


10. Shelves

(Designer: Henry Julier)

11. Tetris

(Designer: unknown)

12. Branch Magnets


13. Stones

(Designer: Shaw Quan)

14. Tree Buttons


15. Calendar

(Designer: unknown)

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creative products, kitchen, magnets, refrigirator, refrigirator magnets