25 Cool 404 Error Page Examples
I am sure you’ve already run into 404 error page at least once in your lifetime, and I’m 99% sure it was a horrible experience. In this particular situation not only you couldn’t find what you were looking for, but you probably even got some ugly looking message.
Why not make this whole situation more pleasant, and at least create something cool and funny to calm down the visitor? Well, here are 25 Creative 404 Error Page Examples how to do it right.
1. 24-7 Media: Dead Fly (link)
2. Pattern Tap: Uh Oh (link)
3. Funned.net: Lost Puppy
4. BoredPanda: I Didn’t Eat It I Swear (link)
5. Soocial (link)
6. JibJab: We Looked Everywhere (link)
7. Ook: Free 404 Cutout
8. nickciske: Do Not Use Elevator
9. Lileks: Where The Hell Are We (link)
10. Cats Who Code: Someone Is Fixing It
11. LarkNews (link)
12. Renkoo: Sharks With Lazers
13. Demilked (Hey, It’s Ours!)
14. Zivity: We Still Love You (link)
15. LimpFish: Wanted (link)
16. South Park: Son of a … (link)
17. Center’d: Sorry (link)
18. Mario: Your Page is In Another Castle (link)
19. Seecoy (link)
20. Acorncreative.com: Sock
21. Death Dealers (link)
22. Homestarrunner: 404’d!!! (link)
23. Daze Of Our Lives: What the..? (link)
24. RetardZone.com
25. Heinz: Empty Page (link)
Which one do you like best?
Got wisdom to pour?
one from Czech: http://www.pilsner-urquell.cz/cz/404 ;)
You have to see this one http://monkeychucker.com/missing.html
You just inspired me to create 404 error page for my own page, thank you :)