20 Construction Facepalm Moments That Were Documented With A Photo

Published 1 year ago

Construction is usually a job that requires some forethought and a specific skill set as the structures being built must be safe and sound. Constructing a house or building is also hard work requiring time and manual labour. 

Therefore, it seems more than likely that some construction workers try to take shortcuts in order to save time or money however risky. The Instagram account, ‘Construction Fails‘, collects pictures of such careless workers who used unreliable quick fixes or shortcuts and pushed the boundaries to an almost unbelievable limit. 

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#1 ”not My Job” Awards Goes To ⠀

Image source: construction.fail

#2 Rules For The Jobsite

Image source: construction.fail

#3 Is This Any Better Bob?

Image source: construction.fail

#4 The Backside Of The Rebar Really Needed To Be Inspected Didn’t It Bob

Image source: construction.fail

#5 Builder Bob Hiding From Monday’s!

Image source: construction.fail

#6 Why Bother Getting A Lift When You Have Three Ladders And Some Lumber Right Bob

Image source: construction.fail

#7 This Will Be The New Way To Get Around All Job Sites

Image source: construction.fail

#8 The Most Appropriate Anchor Point

Image source: construction.fail

#9 Bob Doesn’t Do Just One Safety Infraction, He Does Many

Image source: construction.fail

#10 This Has Been Posted All Over

Image source: construction.fail

#11 Don’t Worry Guys.the Taper Will Fix It Haha

Image source: construction.fail

#12 Yea Bob We’ve Got The Same Feeling About This Week As Well

Image source: construction.fail

#13 Who Needs Scaffolding For Stairs When You Have Bob Ingenuity

Image source: construction.fail

#14 Nothing To See Here Folks

Image source: construction.fail

#15 Bobs Solution When The Trench Is Just A Little Too Deep For The Bucket

Image source: construction.fail

#16 When Electrician Bob Runs His Conduit Where You Told Him Not To

Image source: construction.fail

#17 Bob Hold On I’ll Give You A Hand Out

Image source: construction.fail

#18 Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes, Real Heroes Strap Loads To The Roof And Pray

Image source: construction.fail

#19 Bob Quick The Safety Inspector Is Here, Get Rid Of The Lift

Image source: construction.fail

#20 Just Use The Hazard Notice Board Bob, It’ll Be Fine

Image source: construction.fail

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?


