People Are Sharing The Conspiracy Theories That They Actually Believe In (20 Answers)
Flat Earth, lizard people, the Illuminati – it seems like we can’t go a day without hearing some sort of conspiracy theory. And even though nearly all of them sound too crazy to be real, every now and again we hear one that makes us stop and say “Wait, maybe that guy’s on to something here!”
A little while ago, Reddit user mc2901234 asked other users “What conspiracy theory do you believe to be true? What evidence led you to this conclusion?”, and sparked quite a heated debate with over 33k comments. So strap on your tinfoil hat and check some conspiracy theories that people actually believe in the gallery below!
Image source: Green_Ari
The US will never publicly fund college because no one would enlist in the military.
The US will never add colleges to public funding like they did high schools because then the enlistment rate for the military would plummet.
Image source: Knightskye02
Women’s fake pockets are a marketing ploy.
Women’s pants have fake pockets to make us buy purses.
Image source: Toke_A_sarus_Rex
That the government uses social media to manipulate, and measure public sentiment and opinion.
Image source: Shoemagoo52
The lines on the detergent caps are higher than they should be so you use more detergent for each load of laundry. It’s so easy for them to get away with it
Image source: Emdizzle22
The 10-year challenge was used to collect facial recognition data.
The 10-year challenge all over social media is actually a way to record and gather more facial recognition data.
Image source: Jim3001
I used to tell people that I believed the government listened to or phone calls. Years later some guy named Snowden proved me right.
Image source: WildlifeAnalysis
Modern art exists solely for money laundering.
I believe that modern/minimalistic art exists solely for money laundering. It’s just a way for rich people to move money around. There’s a reason why paintings of plain geometric shapes sell for millions of dollars, and it’s not because the buyers are really into shapes
Image source: luke-dies-at-the-end
I believe that the government probably makes some conspiracy theories to try to make questioning the government seem somewhat crazy.
Image source: anime_lover_420
All my devices listen in on me. The other day I was arguing with my Dad about some chicken I thought had gone off (it was frozen for about a month so we weren’t too sure but my Dad was insistent that it was still edible). Dad decided to ask Google, and low and behold the related searches even from the first letter were: “Is chicken edible after being frozen for a month” and “How long can you freeze chicken before it goes off”.
Also, my Mum and I use this tactic where if we need to ring up a company about something and it puts us in a queue, we swear at it. It then puts you on a priority list and you don’t have to wait as long. Kinda sketchy on the company’s behalf.
Image source: 00zau
Banks and landowners conspire to manipulate urban land prices. Turn an area into a ghetto by marking it as a high-risk loan proposition, denying loans in the area. Property values plummet on a down-town area because no one can sell, because no one can get a loan. Once things are down enough, you can buy up prime location land at pennies on the dollar then re-develop it into being worth the ‘real’ market value of such a central location, plus what you invested in the actual development.
Image source: FrolicTheCat_YT
I believe the US military went to Afghanistan in order to seize control of the Poppy fields and instead of destroying them they manufactured black tar and other forms of heroin and sent it back to the states. I have several friends that were marines in Afghanistan and they’ve confirmed these suspicions. The drugs got worse after being in Afghanistan not better or more contained. The USA military is the biggest cartel in the world
Image source: _coyotes_
Area 51 is not a place for secret government/military testing with aliens and stuff, instead Area 51 is a scapegoat while shady behind the scenes stuff is going on at another military base that the general public doesnt know about.
I mean if you were really going to do something in secrecy, would you do it in the place where everyone thinks it is? Hell no! I dont have any specific evidence to back this up but it makes sense
Image source: LeatherAir
Priceless artwork and historical documents are replicas.
I’ve always speculated that a lot of priceless artwork and historical documents are actually replicas or copies.
Obviously a painting by a world-famous artist using a very specific technique would be very hard to fake, and I don’t think that every art scholar in the world is paid off in some grand conspiracy. Rather, I just think that either the national treasures never left their vaults or that some national treasures actually were lost to history but they were copied.
Image source: baronvonbee
Modern drug prohibition is a “for profit” endeavor perpetrated by governments for the benefit of pharmaceutical corporations, prison industrials, and warlords.
Image source: danielle8088
The countdown timers on ads for games or streaming services are actually longer than seconds. Seems too long sometimes.
Image source: RogerPackinrod
23 and Me is run by the government to collect your DNA and database it for later.
Image source: g_stokes12
Disney only named a movie Frozen to distract from ‘frozen head’ Google searches.
That Disney made a movie named Frozen so that when people google things like ‘frozen’ and ‘Disney’ together, info about the movie comes up instead of stories about Walt Disney’s frozen head.
Image source: AvailableWrongdoer
The Hawaii nuke false alarm was a test.
The Hawaii nuke false alarm last year was actually the US government testing to see how the general population would react if an actual nuclear war broke out.
Image source: -eDgAR-
UFO sightings are just humans from the future on a time-traveling safari.
All the UFO sightings throughout history are just humans from the future on a time-traveling safari meant to observe how we were in the past. They are supposed to keep out of sight, but thanks to human/mechanical errors, there have been hiccups with their cloaking which have resulted in being seen. That’s why there have always been so many reports of them throughout history, but there has never been an attack. It’s just us.
Also the reason why we don’t see as many examples of UFOs now even though pretty much everyone has a camera is because people are not that interested in this time period since we already document aspects of human life all the time.
Image source: superflyjasper
Apple started the AirPod memes.
I believe that Apple started the ‘wearing AirPods = cool/rich’ meme intentionally to boost sales. They became the best-selling wireless earbuds worldwide after the meme.
Got wisdom to pour?
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People in the 60s: “Better not say that because they might wiretap my phone”
People now: “Hey wiretap. You got a recipe for pancakes?”
Not naming any names, Amazon…!
#19… I love it… but I thought these were supposed to be BELIEVABLE? Or was that a curveball?