The Winners Of This Year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Have Finally Been Announced, And The Photos Are Too Funny (16 Pics)
After a long wait, the winners of the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have finally been announced – and the photos are absolutely hilarious. This year, the title of Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year went to photographer Mark Fitzpatrick for his photo titled ‘Terry the Turtle flipping the bird’ captured near the coast of Lady Elliot Island in Queensland, Australia. His photo beat 7,000 other entries from all around the globe, and the man said he was both stoked and honored to be awarded the title.
“It’s been amazing to see the reaction to my photo of Terry the Turtle flipping the bird, with Terry giving people a laugh in what has been a difficult year for many, as well as helping spread an important conservation message,” said Mark. “Hopefully, Terry the Turtle can encourage more people to take a moment and think about how much our incredible wildlife depends on us and what we can do to help them. Flippers crossed that this award puts Terry in a better mood the next time I see him at Lady Elliot Island!”
See Mark’s photo as well as the runner-ups in the gallery below!
More info: ComedyWildlifePhoto.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | BornFree.org.uk
#1 Overall Winner And Creatures Under The Water Award Winner : “Terry The Turtle Flipping The Bird” By Mark Fitzpatrick
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#2 Highly Commended: “Smiley” By Arthur Telle Thiemenn
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#3 Highly Commended: “Tough Negotiations” By Ayala Fishaimer
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#4 Affinity Photo People’s Choice Award Winner: “O Sole Mio” By Roland Kranitz
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#5 Spectrum Photo Creatures In The Air Award Winner: “Hide And Seek” By Tim Hearn
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#6 Highly Commended: “Fun For All Ages” By Thomas Vijayan
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#7 Highly Commended: “It’s A Mocking Bird” By Sally Lloyd-Jones
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#8 Highly Commended: “Social Distance, Please!” By Petr Sochman
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#9 Highly Commended: “Seriously, Would You Share Some” By Krisztina Scheeff
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#10 Amazing Internet Portfolio Award Winner: “Deadly Fart” By Daisy Gilardini
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#11 Highly Commended: “Sun Salutation Class” By Sue Hollis
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#12 Highly Commended: “I Had To Stay Late At Work” By Luis Burgueño
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#13 Highly Commended: “Monkey Business” By Megan Lorenz
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#14 Think Tank Photo Junior Award Winner: “I’ve Got You This Time!” By Olin Rogers
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#15 Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures Of The Land Award Winner: “Almost Time To Get Up” By Charlie Davidson
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
#16 Highly Commended: “The Race” By Yevhen Samuchenko
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
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