Artist Creates A Public Installation Of 243 Endangered Species As A Reminder Of What London Risks Losing
A leading artist Es Devlin has created an illuminated sculpture highlighting the 243 species on London’s priority conservation list. The art installation features moths, birds, beetles, wildflowers, fish, and fungi, and it is situated in the Tate Modern garden opposite St Paul’s Cathedral.
The large-scale public artwork is commissioned by Cartier and promotes protecting the biosphere and asks people to pay detailed attention to the endangered inhabitants: to observe and draw them, to learn their names, and to remember their stories.
Image source: esdevlin
Es Devlin says, “A dome originally meant a home. The work invites us to see, hear, and feel our home, our city as an interconnected web of species and cultures, to learn and remember the names and sing those under threat into continued existence. The work echoes the invitation invoked by the 92-year-old climate activist Joanna Macy: “Now it can dawn on us: we are the world knowing itself. As we relinquish our isolation, we come home again…we come home to our mutual belonging.”
Image source: esdevlin
Image source: esdevlin
Image source: esdevlin
Image source: esdevlin
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