10 Colorized Photos of Famous Landmarks Under Construction
The famous landmarks that you can see here are a reminder of what incredible feats humans are capable of. They were built in a time before modern construction technology was available, which makes the stories behind them even more intriguing. And these remastered photos by digital artist Jordan Lloyd tell those stories like never before.
The artist uses digital editing software to bring colors to the original monochrome photos: “So realistic are the results, that the decades and centuries that separate us from the subjects of these images, simply fall away,” says the author.
Now he’s collaborating with Retronaut’s Wolfgang Wild on a crowdfunding campaign to release The Paper Time Machine – a 300-page coffee table book filled with 130 remastered historical photos.
Can’t get enough of it? Take a look at these famous photographs remastered in color.
More info: dynamichrome (h/t: twistedsifter)
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