Rare Color Photos Of Germany In 1900 Before It Was Destroyed By World Wars
What did Germany look like back before the two World Wars? Extremely pretty, as the new photobook “Germany Around 1900” will show you. Using the photochromation technique to bring out the color in black and white photographs, the pictures show the bourgeois splendor of the turn of the century. No cars, fairytale towns, castles and resorts on the sea.
The book has 800 pictures in all. It’s the work of museum curator and author Karin Lelonek, edited by documentarian and photo researcher Sabine Arqué, as well designer, collector, and vintage photo collector Mark Walter. As the publisher Taschen describes it, the book is a “fascinating and nostalgic panorama of a long lost epoch before the ravages of time and history set in.”
More info: taschen.com | amazon | facebook | twitter | instagram (h/t: mentalfloss)
Got wisdom to pour?
Simply beautiful!!! What a shame that it has been ruined by wars.