35 Of The Most Interesting Pics Captured In The Freezing Winter

Published 7 months ago

Winter brings with it a magical transformation of landscapes, turning ordinary scenes into breathtaking wonders. The freezing temperatures, frost-covered landscapes, and glistening icicles provide a unique canvas for photographers to capture the beauty of the season.

In this collection, we present some of the most interesting pictures taken in the freezing cold of winter, showcasing the awe-inspiring moments that only this time of the year can offer.

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#1 Surfer After Riding Waves In Lake Superior During Polar Vortex

Image source: Devon Hains Photography, Devon Hains Photography

Rebelliousslug: “How is it even enjoyable at this point?”

Ty Stratton-Quirk: “Guy looks like he should be on a quest to liberate a mountain kingdom from a dragon…”

LokisLilButterknife: “Why in the world didn’t he wear a facial covering? He looks like some ancient spirit of the forest.”

#2 How About That For A Snow Depth?

Image source: willd14

Gillbella: “Impressive”

Deta Rossiter: “3 americans deep?”

Kat Hoth: “That’s a LOT of snow…”

#3 This Snow Drift On The Side Of A Shed

Image source: QuasarMaster

Helena: “Very Seuss”

Erica Ventura: “Waiting for Jack Skellington to walk down it….”

#4 Whenever It Freezes This Happens To Our Spare Bedroom Windows

Image source: OMurph3

Suze: “Exquisite!”

#5 Ice Sheet From A Leaf

Image source: reddit.com

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: “This is very cool!”

#6 Accumulated Snow Depth Outside My House (Banana For Scale)

Image source: okuboheavyindustries

It’s more than 15 bananas high. I measured this morning. We’ll likely get a fair bit more snow, but it’s also starting to warm up a little in the daytime, so this is probably the maximum for this season. For those who still think in the old-fashioned measurement systems, it’s about 230 cm or 7 and a half feet.

#7 This Is Tony – Our 5’10” Terrain Parks Day Lead Extraordinaire. This Is Also The Snow Bank In C-Lot. How Many Feet (Or Tonys) Tall Do You Think It Is?

Image source: Sierra-at-Tahoe

#8 I’m Up In Mammoth Now And The Amount Of Snow Here Is Amazing. This Is A Photo My Son Took From The Gondola Up To The Mountain Today

Image source: LPRamsey

#9 Why Bother With A Beer Glass When You Can Just Use Ice

Image source: CaptainWisconsin

#10 I Used The Grill On Sunday Night, But I Lost It Now. Working On A Plan To Find It Today

Image source: TahoeGuyM

#11 Flowers After An Ice Storm

Image source: reddit.com

Dominik: “that’s how these ceramic flowers are made”

#12 Freezing Temperatures And Strong Winds Have Created Breathtaking Formations Of Ice In Lithuania’s Resort Town Nida

Image source: Antanas Miežanskas

Adrian: “Don’t eat brown snow!”

#13 Great Way To Measure Though

Image source: BCbaydoll

Sigh J: “Honestly don’t know how you do it… I’m from Aust and can’t imagine the claustrophobic feeling of not being able to go outside”

George D: “Interesting. Never realized the speed of accumulation during a blizzard.”

#14 The Way The Snow Melted Off My Porch

Image source: awstrom

#15 That’s A Whole Iceberg

Image source: HasanHaiNL

#16 Picture I Took Of My Driveway During Day 2 Of Snowmageddon

Image source: OldCrow1892

#17 California Snow

Image source: EOtirolf

#18 This Tree After An Ice Storm In Illinois

Image source: Heres_your_Chippy

#19 The Way The Snow Melted On This Pole

Image source: teenypanini

#20 Here Is The Entrance To The Marketing Office

Image source: sugarbowlresort

#21 My Walk Home This Evening

Image source: michellerdixon

#22 The Frost On My Car Window This Morning

Image source: vdall

Quitethedilemma: “So pretty”

#23 Sister’s Boyfriend Cracked An Egg On Our Front Porch. -28°C

Image source: absolutemonarch101

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: “It looks like the egg has a foot.”

#24 These Frozen Webs

Image source: pt_hime

Bored something: “Poor chilly spiders.”

#25 Calgary, Alberta This Morning When It Was -30 Degrees

Image source: 911_reddit

#26 Sent To Me By A Friend. Human For Scale

Image source: TahoeWeather

#27 That’s 1/32 Of A Car

Image source: JodyJFoss

#28 There’s Still A Little Bit Of Snow Piled Up At The Parents’ Place In California (Near Tahoe)

Image source: Lanefab

#29 -15°F Adventure (Eagle River, Alaska)

Image source: Wandering_Alaska

#30 My Thermometer Has Bottomed Out. Actual Temperature Is -44°C

Image source: iamfromcanadaeh

#31 It Got A Little Icy In My Neighborhood

Image source: barbiereif

#32 Snow Removal In Montenegro, Durmitor Mountain, Mid April

Image source: _Harpija_

Reemerger: “Holy Snowly!”

#33 I Took A Picture Of Our Road On A Winter Night

Image source: ShawnBStudios

I’ll have a treble thanks.: “Magnificent !”

#34 That’s Frightening

Image source: Jason_Sheppard_

Firstname Lastname: “*ding dong* “Who’s at the door?” “Oh, it was snowbody.””

#35 Freshly Fallen Snow

Image source: Mjanzalone

Dominik: “This seems to be some really dangerous pressure, despite being extremely beautiful.”

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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chilly winters, cold, snow, terrifying winter pics, winter, winter pics