30 Examples Of Rare Soulmate Coincidences Shared By People Online

Published 2 years ago

In modern times, it’s difficult to find a fairytale love story. With so many break-ups, cheatings, and divorces happening around, it’s not easy to believe that true love even exists.

However, there are some stories that make you have faith in the universe’s mysterious plans. So, if you haven’t found your soulmate yet, don’t worry! You’ll probably find them in the right place at the right time. Till then, scroll below to read some wholesome stories about couples who were destined to be together.

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#1 Engaged Couple Thinks They Met In University, Mom Figures Out They Actually Met On A Family Vacation In 1997

Image source: boredpanda.com, Ed & Heidi Savitt

#2 Married Couple In China Discover They Appeared In Same Photograph As Teenagers

Image source: ChannelNewsAsia

#3 Me In 1998 And My Wife In 2000

Image source: camiam85

#4 My Wife’s Grandparents Are Suffering From Dementia, But Their Love Is So Strong That She’s Fixing His Shirt, Blowing Kisses At Him, And Hoping He’ll Be Her Boyfriend

Image source: dorky_dad77

They are 98 years old and married for nearly 80 years.

#5 Such A Wholesome Couple

Image source: hochman

#6 Apparently My Wife And I Were Always Meant To Be

Image source: ChasingTurtles

#7 When I Met My Wife, We Didn’t Know At The Time But It Turns Out That We Have Similar Looking Birthmarks On Our Thighs

Image source: BettyChao

#8 Laura And I Met In Preschool. One Of My Very First Memories Is Of Being 3 Years Old And Standing Up In Front Of My Pre-School Class, Declaring That I Would Marry Her Someday

Image source: thewaywemet

#9 Couple With Down Syndrome Told Not To Marry, Prove Critics Wrong 25 Years Later

Image source: Scharoun family

#10 This Picture Of My Parents Never Actually Happened, But Two Separate Photos That Fit Perfectly Together

Image source: flowerboy00

#11 Woman Finds Out Blood Donor Who Saved Her Life 11 Years Ago Turned Out To Be Her Husband

Image source: chinatimes.com

#12 We Fell In Love, Dated For 3 Years Until The Distance Become Too Difficult. We Tried To Find Happiness With Other Partners, But Last Year, I Visited Him In Madrid, And Our Story Resumed

Image source: Melissacent

#13 My Husband And I. From Kindergarten Class Picture To Much Improved Attire

Image source: nikatnite8250

#14 My Now Husband And Me Circa 2004, A Year Or Two Before We Would Meet

Image source: 1tarabyte

#15 My Boyfriend Was My Neighbor When We Were Babies, And We Only Knew Each Other For Real When We Were About 16 Years Old

Image source: dra.luizabarreto

#16 I Sent My Mom This Adorable Picture Of My Wife At Halloween In The 90s. She Sent Back This Picture Of Me! It Was Meant To Be

Image source: bdby1093

#17 They Dated In Their Teens, Married Different People, And Got Back Together 65 Years Later. My Grandma And Her Boyfriend

Image source: Burkenstockss

#18 Little Did I Know, I’d Marry Her Some Day

Image source: dmau9600

#19 My Wife’s Wedding Ring Fits Perfectly Inside Mine

Image source: reddit.com

#20 15 Years Later, Walking Down The Aisle Again. But This Time, For Our Wedding

Image source: jinnywendy

#21 My Wife And I Have Similar Features

Image source: dtmagee

#22 Happy 4-Year Anniversary To When I Flew To Edinburgh To Surprise Finlay And He Flew To Paris To Surprise Me And This Is Why We Don’t Do Surprises Anymore

Image source: salmasaade

#23 My Wife And I Both About Age 10 Took The Same Vacation Pic. We Didn’t Meet Until We Were 30. This Frame Was Displayed At Our Wedding

Image source: okcumputer

#24 Me And My Girlfriend Got Each Other The Exact Same Gift For Christmas

Image source: martinvarleite

#25 At Age 4, I Whispered Sweet Nothings Into Her Ear. 24 Years Later, We’re Getting Married

Image source: apete384

#26 My Wife And I Got Each Other The Same Gift For Christmas By Accident

Image source: NotGayRyan

#27 Flower Girl And Ring Bearer From Wedding Get Married 20 Years Later

Image source: dummy8843

#28 We Met In The Second Grade In 1997. Here We Are 21 Years Later

Image source: AudsOrEvens

#29 In The Early 60’s, Living In Different Towns In Mississippi, Both Of My Parents Were Visited By A Door-To-Door Photographer With A Pony

Image source: no1fatmom

When they met in college they realized they’d been photographed on the same pony.

#30 I Love True Love

Image source: jake_tackett

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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coincidences, couples, destined to be together, destiny, people, soulmates