Closet Suitcase for Business Travelers
Manufacturers and designers seem to work really hard on the look of a suitcase forgetting what problems their end user, traveler, actually faces. Not only it’s hard to find a suitable suitcase to pack everything without wrinkling the clothes too much, the worst part comes once you reach your hotel where you have to spend your valuable time unpacking all your clothes and eventually repacking them before you leave.
But worry no more because Traveler’s Closet, the invention by Psychic Factory should solve your problems and save your time!
Designed by: Psychic Factory
The suitcase is comprised of three separate drawer sections that can be sealed.
The extendable handle allows you to hang up your clothes, making the suitcase its own closet.
Got wisdom to pour?
This is a good idea, but it needs some tweaks. The expanding handle needs to be on the side, so that the suitcase takes up less room when you are rolling it through an airport. The handle needs to swivel so that in the room it will look like the picture.
what about security… ?
looks cool – right.
but even though I hat to spoil the enthusiam, please think about the extra weight that the drawers cause. if you are travelling by car only and have e trunk to use, then this is a perfect piece of equipment. if you use pla
I’d like to have something like this ;)
I have to travel a lot and I think is is very nice idea for all the business travelers, I like the drawers, you can take out something without making disorder in a whole suitcase .. ;)
Really cool! I would even like to see a traveler’s bag version with drawers (the one you put on your back) because I really have a hard time organizing my stuff when I travel.
very useful concept :)
omg! I want one!