30 Stunning Winning Photos From This Year’s Close-Up Photographer Of The Year Competition

Published 4 years ago

The Close-up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY) is an annual photography competition started back in 2019 where macro photographers from all over the world compete for the grand prize and the title of Close-up Photographer of the Year. The organizers have recently announced the winning photos and I’m pretty sure they will take your breath away.

Photographers from 52 countries competed in 7 different categories – Animals, Insects, Plants and Fungi, Intimate Landscape, Manmade World, Young (photographers under 17), and Micro (photos taken using a microscope) – and submitted over 6,000 impressive entries. However, there could only be one overall winner and the title of Close-up Photographer of the Year went to French photographer Galice Hoarau for his stunning photo of an eel larva. See the winning photo and the winners of other categories as well as the runner-ups in the gallery below!

More info: CUPOTY

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#1 Winner | Micro

Image source: Andrei Savitsky


#2 Finalist | Animals

Image source: Bernhard Schubert

#3 Winner | Young

Image source: KONCZ-BISZTRICZ Tamás

Little Ball

#4 Overall winner & Animals winner

Image source: Galice Hoarau

Eel Larva

#5 2nd place winner | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Barry Webb

#6 Finalist | Animals

Image source: Juan Jesús González Ahumada

#7 3rd place winner | Animals

Image source: Mathieu Foulquié

Bufo Bufo

#8 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Minghui Yuan

#9 Winner | Insects

Image source: Mike Curry


#10 3rd place winner | Young

Image source: Emelin Dupieux

Butterflies in the Light

#11 Winner | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Elizabeth Kazda

Mandala with Miniature Tulips

#12 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Petar Sabol

#13 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Victoria Hillman

#14 Finalist | Animals

Image source: Galice Hoarau

#15 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Petar Sabol

#16 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Alexander Mett

#17 Finalist | Micro

Image source: Jan Rosenboom

#18 3rd Place Winner | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Henrik Spranz


#19 3rd place winner | Intimate Landscape

Image source: Edwin Giesbers

Ice Landscape

#20 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Marcus Kam

#21 3rd Place Winner | Insects

Image source: Chien Lee

The Signal

#22 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Edwin Giesbers

#23 2nd place winner | Intimate Landscape

Image source: Anna Ulmestrand

The Bullet

#24 2nd place winner | Animals

Image source: Csaba Daroczi

Spider in the Swamp

#25 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Sophia Spurgin

#26 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Joan Marques Faner

#27 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Ellen Woods

#28 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Cathryn Baldock

#29 Finalist | Insects

Image source: Johannes Klapwijk

#30 Finalist | Plants & Fungi

Image source: Anette Holt

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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animals, Close-up Photographer of the Year, Close-Up Photography Awards, macro photography, nature, photography