20 People In This Online Group Are Sharing Good Things Their Parents Taught Them Since Childhood
Parents have a great responsibility of raising their kids, so most of them proceed with caution. Nowadays, parents are getting more conscious about their parenting styles and how their actions and lifestyle would affect their children’s mental and physical growth.
Some parents need help from the internet and counselors, while some of them just go with their instincts and try to instill their personal values in their children. Recently, someone asked on Reddit, “Adults, what’s something your parents did right raising you?”, and people gave interesting answers. So, if you are curious about some good parenting techniques, read some of the examples below.
More info: Reddit
Image source: PM_ME_UR_FROST_TROLL, Tembela Bohle
They made drugs and alcohol seem like they weren’t a big deal, they offered wine with dinner, and they held their promises when they said they’d pick me up from a party no questions asked. they made it seem like it wasn’t a forbidden fruit so i never had the urge to abuse it or sneak around. i’ve never had a problem with it thanks to them, i have healthy boundaries.
Image source: ixnayupidstay, Christina Morillo
I remember being told it was very important to admit when you’re wrong, and I think that was solid advice. But I could be wrong.
Image source: Deja_kitten, Andrea Piacquadio
I’m a female with a single father. He has never expected anything of me. Did everything to give me what i needed and wanted. But most importantly he taught me how to do basic things that “a man should do” such as change my cars oil, or the tire, and overall mechanics. My father has also excepted anything and everything I could have gone through phase wise. Dye my blonde hair red? Great! Thick makeup. Cool. Wanting to drink. Tell me where when with who and keep your phone on if you need a ride (of course this is after I was at least 15/16). Most important I was able to talk to my dad about absolutely anything without fear of anger judgment or anything of the sort. I can proudly say I hardly drink never smoke moved out when I was ready and am living a great life. I still have a close relationship with my father and he is still my hero.
Image source: dontaskmethatmoron, Rachel Claire
My mom always made me try a bite of any food in front of her before she’d allow the “I don’t like it” line. Now, thanks to her, I’m willing to try any food/drink once, even if I think I won’t like it. I’m glad she did that.
Image source: anon, Rada Aslanova
My parents always taught me to be affectionate. Kinda weird. But my dad always told me that even though you’re a guy, don’t be like the regular guy that acts all tough and contain everything in.
You will be okay if you cry, if you hug, and if you express your love for your buds. Don’t be afraid to express your emotion & affection especially to those who care for you.
Image source: Smyrfinator
Read me bedtime stories every night as I was growing up. It instilled in me a love of reading and I am certain it contributed to helping my brain work more betterer than people what doesn’t read good.
Image source: Arriabella, cottonbro
You can do whatever you want but you are responsible for your choices.
Image source: poornose, Engin Akyurt
My mom instilled a deep sense of empathy in me and compassion for those less fortunate than myself
Image source: Steeps87, Sharon McCutcheon
They taught me tolerance and acceptance. They told me they would love me no matter my religion, sexual orientation, political alliance, or profession. They taught me to accept people and love them for their character and to find people who will love me for my character.
Image source: spautrievas
Family dinner every night when Dad got home. No TV and obviously no phones because it was 40 years ago. We talked about our day and laughed about stuff. Good times and very important part of my childhood.
Image source: Guilty_Coconut, Caleb Oquendo
I have autism which caused a lot of issues. A psychiatrist had me diagnosed and my parents made sure I had the support I needed.
It’s easy to say someone is a difficult child, but figuring out why and helping that child find a path in life that works for them, is the best thing they could ever have done for me.
Image source: FlameFrenzy, Kuncheek
They made sure I understood money, money management, saving for retirement, etc. Made my life so much easier have never had to worry about money or debt a day in my life.
Image source: HanginWithLucretia, Andrea Piacquadio
They instilled a good work ethic. “If you do something half-assed, you’ll have to put 2 asses in to fix your f*** ups. If your name is going on it, make it your best.” They also always encouraged my creativity- never told me I wasn’t capable of something. They always told me I can accomplish anything I want as long as I put effort into it. My parental units are awesome.
Image source: Col_Walter_Tits, Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas
Always letting me know that I was loved no matter what.
Image source: Dapper_Presentation, Lucas Pezeta
Supported my (then) unusual interests. I was into astronomy as a younger kid and they bought books and telescopes and drove me to/from the local astronomy club at late hours. Later (this was the 80s) they bought me a series of computers which were pretty expensive for the time and for their income. I’m grateful they supported what I was into.
Image source: hlturner, Kulbir
They respected our privacy. Always knocked on our doors, never went through our computer history or looked at our phones, etc. They would ask us who we were talking to, but if they REALLY wanted to see the messages, they would ask us to show them. They showed that they cared, but they also trusted us to make the right decisions. Now, I can go and talk to my parents about anything! Our relationship is great! I’m so thankful!
My dad always made my brother and I take the lead. He would obviously always know what was going on and would be a few steps ahead of us. If we were in a new city, we would be in charge of working out which bus to take, or if we were cooking, we’d be reading the recipe and telling my dad what to do, etc. It’s pretty simple but it meant we were pretty good at doing things ourselves and were already really independent before leaving home.
We were visiting London once and I managed to get on the tube before the doors closed, but my dad did not. I knew we where we had to change so just got off at the stop and waited for the next train with him on. I think most 8 year olds might have freaked out a bit
Source: ThisArsehole
I know this will be buried deep in various comments, but well…
I grew up in a not so good financially family. Never starved but didn’t had any luxuries too.
I remember deep in my childhood that my folks always took the change from anything they bought and put inside a piggy bank, all year long. They made sure that I saw’em putting the coins there and kept making me hype about Christmas, because the one who will choose the present was me.
I remember going to bank to change the mountain of coins into paper (looking back for me it was A LOT, but seriously it wasn’t much) and go to the local toy store to buy something for me. My mother even made sure that we packed it to put on the tree and said that would be more fun to open it with the other children.
The family christmas party always happened on a house of one of our rich relatives (not direct relative, my mother was raised by another family) and the other children always got some insane presents… but none of them had the same impact mine had, at least for me.
The things is, my folks thought me, even if they didn’t had the intention at that time that if I saved regularly I will get the things I want and that the value of something is not bounded for what is priced.
This concept alone make me treat money with care, make me do savings regularly, make me plan ahead for almost anything and make me put value in things that doesn’t even have a price. My god looking back I kept a bottle cap in my wallet for years because it had friendship value.
Love you mom and dad.
This kept deep imprinted in me. Thanks.
Source: JPDreeamnz
My parents accept everyone as they are. Didn’t matter what color your skin is. Gay, straight or something in between. Didn’t matter. My parents loved and accepted all of my sister and my friends. Let some of them live with us when things got bad at home. Now we are all grown up and having children… All those kids are calling my mom and dad Grandma and Grandpa. See. Love does win.
Source: firefairyqueen
Talked to / treated me like an adult.
No curfew, no restriction of when I can use my phone or play video games or use the internet, no dedicated time for studying or revision, nothing like that. But if you don’t get good results on your exams, that’s your fault, and you have to deal with the consequences.
Source: eggshitter
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