Dad Makes Amazing Halloween Costumes For Kids In Wheelchairs
Choosing A Halloween costume is hard enough when you’re not bound to a wheelchair. There’s a non-profit dedicated to helping make costunmes for those who are. Called the Magical Wheelchair, it was started this year and kids have to submit a 1-3 minute long video of their idea. The company will choose five kids and work with them to make their wheeled Halloween fantasy come true.
It’s the idea of Ryan Weimer whose son Keaton was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when he was nine months old. In 2008, Keaton wanted to be a pirate for Halloween, so Ryan built a pirate ship around his wheelchair. He continued to make wheelchair costumes every year – the latest being a real kick-ass recreation of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. “Ultimately, creating each costume provides an awesome experience: taking something from Keaton’s imagination and seeing it realized as we hit the streets with our kids leading the way” Weimer wrote on the project website.
For more wheelchair costumes, click here.
More info: magicwheelchair.org | facebook (h/t: aplus)
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