20 Illustrations By An Indonesian Artist That Most 80s/90s Kids Will Relate To

Published 3 years ago

Childhood days are probably the most interesting time in everyone’s life. We are more curious, imaginative, and love to explore things when we are young and carefree. Even remembering the most random and silly things from your childhood days might bring a smile to your face.

Dhany Pramata, an Indonesian artist reflects upon his childhood days with nostalgic and funny illustrations. I find some of these comics extremely relatable and if you are an 80s/90s kid, you might find them relatable too. Check them out yourself in the gallery below and don’t forget to smile!

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#1 Using Texting Abbreviations

Image source: dhanypramata

#2 The Family Always Got Together To Watch The Soap Operas

Image source: dhanypramata

#3 Jumping On A Pile Of Sand

Image source: dhanypramata

#4 Listening To Music On A Cassette Tape And Following The Lyrics

Image source: dhanypramata

#5 Falling Asleep Anywhere And Waking Up In Bed

Image source: dhanypramata

#6 The Right Way To Use A Clip

Image source: dhanypramata

#7 Opening Cupboards With Your Feet

Image source: dhanypramata

#8 Getting Letters Written On Paper

Image source: dhanypramata

#9 Testing The Things Around You

Image source: dhanypramata

#10 Thinking About Running Away From Home After An Argument With Your Parents

Image source: dhanypramata

#11 Nobody Wanted Their Schoolwork To Be On Top Of The Pile On The Teacher’s Desk

Image source: dhanypramata

#12 Anything Could Be A Monster

Image source: dhanypramata

#13 The Perfect Hiding Place

Image source: dhanypramata

#14 Trying To Get Some Fruit From A Tree

Image source: dhanypramata

#15 Do You Recognize Any Of These

Image source: dhanypramata

#16 Going To McDonald’s Felt Like A Celebration

Image source: dhanypramata

#17 Pure Satisfaction

Image source: dhanypramata

#18 Exploring Your Capabilities And Experimenting With Ordinary Things

Image source: dhanypramata

#19 Being Scared After A Night’s Session Of Ghost Stories

Image source: dhanypramata

#20 Turning A Sewing Machine Into A Cart

Image source: dhanypramata

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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art, cartoons, childhood, childhood nostalgia, Dhany Pramata, funny, illustrations, nostalgia, relatable, silly, weird