25 Cheat Codes That People Guarantee Worked For Them

Published 3 months ago

If only there were cheat codes to life that would give you instant upgrades and help you level up your ability to get through day-to-day life easier. Fortunately, people have discovered over time that many small habits and adjustments can help us navigate the pitfalls of our daily lives just like there are in video games. Folks online recently gathered to suggest their takes on the little things they do that have a proven track record of significantly improving one’s life experiences immediately. Scroll below to read these little tips and tricks that if executed correctly, can remarkably enhance your human experience.

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#1 Talk positive about people behind their backs.

Image source: Wheeljack7799, Darlene Alderson

#2 If you want to change the subject in a conversation, discreetly but noticeably drop something. Make it look accidental. It will break the train of thought of the other person and allow you to restart the conversation. Old dark psychology trick.

Image source: Shadowfoxx757, Nabi Söhrablı

#3 Confidence can get you super far. Like, if you just act extremely confident and normal and totally fine about whatever it is you’re doing, anything nearly, people wont question it. You’re supposed to be here, just walk on in. Or out, or whatever. That’s the attitude to have. I cannot believe how well this works for some of the nicest people as well as the biggest jerks alive. It works.

Image source: rockeatingchaosqueen, Andrea Piacquadio

#4 Don’t put who an email will be sent to until after you have it ready to send so you can’t accidentally send an unedited or unfinished emails.

Image source: chronically-awesome, Getty Images

#5 Admit your mistakes quickly and without undue apologies/ self-flagellation. Not only will people trust you more, you’ll usually move on from the mistake much faster.

Image source: throwaway4work4, Alex Green

#6 A fluorescent jacket, a bogus lanyard and a clipboard will get you access to 2/3 of the places that usually aren’t accessible.

Image source: phoenixxl, Mikael Blomkvist

#7 Clean while you’re cooking.

Image source: anon, RDNE Stock project

#8 Have friends generationally older and younger than yourself.

Image source: missbethd, Getty Images

#9 People like talking about themselves more than they like hearing about you. If you interact with people for work memorize 1 thing about them, could be a kids name, a sport they like, a hobby they do, their job, etc. Ask them about it every once in a while. People are always surprised and appreciate your interest in them.

Image source: ShowerShoe77, Elle Hughes

#10 Automated phone systems don’t understand nonsense. If you need to speak to a person answer the prompts with things like “chicken nuggets”. Or “ shoelace”. It will assume an error in its language system and route you to a person.

Image source: Phantom_61, Antoni Shkraba

#11 **Managers:** give your employees the credit they deserve for everything they do, especially talk them up to *your* bosses.

Image source: Homitu, Christina Morillo

This is a literal win/win. Your employees love you for respecting them, and your boss loves you for successfully managing a great team.

Too many times I see bad managers bring their own egos into the mix, feeling like they need to compete with their own employees to take credit for jobs well done. This does not have the effect they think it has.

#12 Cutting out daily drinks with sugar like sodas or frappacinos really helps with weight loss if you do nothing else.

Image source: rayrayrayray, Emre Akyol

#13 The more you understand, the less you have to memorize. Understanding is a knowledge compression algorithm.

ex: pythagorean theorem = distance formula = formula for a circle.

Image source: Independent-Bike8810, drobotdean

#14 When your alarm goes off in the morning, do not think. Only react. If you sit up immediately and start getting out of bed, it becomes a reflex. No more lying in bed for hours “trying to wake up”. Now I hear my alarm and brain is alert and ready.

Image source: StragglingShadow, stockking

#15 Obeying the rules when you drive dramatically reduces your chances of crashing.

Image source: Hydraulis, Pixabay

#16 If it takes less than five minutes, do it right away.

Image source: JoanofArc5, Mat Brown

#17 To learn something repeat it to yourself three times on the day you learn it, two more times the next day, once the day after that, and you know it (most of the time).

Image source: gandolffood, Wes Hicks

#18 Make people laugh within a minute of meeting them. They will remember you and help you.

Image source: dontlookatme1234567

#19 When someone’s wrong on the internet, type out what you want to say, then delete it once you’ve got it out of your system.

Image source: ninthtale, cottonbro studio

It’s incredibly cathartic; As you organize your sources and logic, you get the time to sort out what you think and why, and you can calm down a bit as you let reason take the wheel instead of your emotions, which lets you realize that nothing you say matters to them anyway.

If you find that your finished product is particularly well-written, feel free to save it off to the side as a sort of personal study, if you want.

Excellent zen hack.

#20 Diarrhea is the best excuse to get out of anything. No one questions it and no one expects you to go to a doctor for it.

Image source: FooJenkins, vgstockstudio

#21 Very hot water temporarily takes away the itchiness of bug bites and poison oak/ivy/sumac.

Image source: evil_burrito, Karolina Grabowska

Just listening to people is almost as good as being able to read minds. Most people will cheerfully reveal exactly what they’re thinking if you just listen quietly. It could be through what they say, what they don’t say, or their body language.

Your own ego causes 99% of the trouble you face.

#22 Being willing to show up and work is more valuable than being the most knowledgeable or skillful.

Image source: anon, Rebrand Cities

#23 I got a job as security at a concert venue because ticket prices were getting to be insane and I wanted to see some shows. Turns out I also got to meet some rock stars!

Image source: hot_ho11ow_point, Wendy Wei

#24 Always play dumb, always. Don’t let them know your moves.

Image source: anon, Israelzin Oliveira

#25 Worked at a call center for a credit card company. If you ever get hit with a late fee, politely call customer service and ask if there’s a possibility of getting it waived. We didn’t have to ask a supervisor or anything, just pushed it through.

Image source: hunbabubba2134, Antoni Shkraba

Have done this multiple times now for my own cards. Don’t pay late fees!

Editing to add: if you do call customer service and they help you out PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay on the line and fill out the survey and give them all perfect scores. We got big bonuses on our scores and it really meant a lot when people took the time to do it.

If you want to complain do it in the comments box not on the actual scores. One bad score can tank the bonuses even if it was a bad rating on the product and not the service provided by the agent.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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cheat code hacks, cheat codes, cheat codes irl, hacks, life, life hacks, life tips