29 Powerful Reactions From Cartoonists Around The World Honor The Victims Of The Charlie Hebdo Shooting
The recent terrorist attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, has shocked the world. 11 people were injured and 12 killed, among them 4 respected cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo editorial offices. In order to pay their respects and honor the courage of the cartoonists and others who fought for the freedom of speech, many other cartoonists have created their own illustrations dedicated to the tragic event. Here are just a few of them.
(h/t: reuters)
1. He drew first
Image credits: David Pope
2. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Image credits: Banksy
Image credits: Il Giornaleo
4. Unstoppable Charlie Hebdo
Image credits: Joep Bertrams
Image credits: Ruben L. Oppenheimer
6. We have avenged you
Image credits: David Fitzsimmons
Image credits: Rob Tornoe
Image credits: The Independent
9. He drew first
Image credits: Rafael Mantesso
10. I am Charlie
Image credits: Jamesuary
11. Oh no, not them
Image credits: Tommy Dessine (EDITOR’S NOTE: Charlie Hebdo often satirized Christians as well.)
Image credits: Ann Telnaes
Image credits: JM Nieto
14. More Powerful
Image credits: Mac Leod
Image credits: Orgulloy Satisfaccion
16. They died for the freedom of expression
Image credits: Nono
17. As if we needed more humorless editors
Image credits: Nate Beeler
18. I am Charlie
Image credits: Magnus Shaw
19. Never!
Image credits: Korneel Jeuken
Image credits: Carlos Latuff
21. What we do best…
Image credits: Dwane Powell
Image credits: Ayesha Mattu
23. Without humor we are all dead
Image credits: New York Times
24. I am Charlie
Image credits: Jean Jullien
25. Ducks (newspapers) will always fly higher than guns
Image credits: Boulet
26. The world has become so serious that humor is a risky profession
Image credits: Bernardo Erlich
Image credits: Zero
28. What’s this little weapon?
Image credits: Satish Acharya
29. I prefer to die standing than live on my knees
Image credits: Buzzfeed
Got wisdom to pour?
People who stand for Nothing will be the First to fall in any Conflict. Only those willing to die for the Protection of those Freedoms that we hold so Dear are worthy to be called to this honor. What the World saw in Paris was the Extremes that Islam will go to to stop anyone from making fun of their beloved Mohammed. To those Muslims I say Screw U and the Goat you had Relations with Last night. If you want a Stand up War with the West again just remember this about the USA our Current President may have forgotten where his BALLS are however most of the USA has not forgot where they are. We are the Nation that fought on 5 Fronts 70 years ago and WON. Kicking the Crap out of you is going to BE EASY. Oil We have our Own now. Planes Plenty Men we can get enough with our Allies that would join us. All you have done is Awaken that Sleeping Giant that in just over 3 Years 70 Years ago Wiped Hitler Mussolini and bombed Japan back almost to the Stone Age.
The story started with some cartoons full with hate against a religious idol. This is not humor. This is not a manifestation of the freedom of the press but is a term of abuse other people. Charlie and Co. caused to kill 14 persons. Stop Charlie before more people will be killed by intolerant, unhumorous murders.
COWARD.They were cartoons against a religeous IDLE.Religeon is laughable and most can take the humor except the scared cowardly ones
Meh, he wasn’t that funny.
This entire thing is ridiculous; it was a satirical newspaper like Saturday Night Live. SO they can make fun of all other religions, but Heaven forbid they ever make fun of one.
the second one isn’t Banksy, it’s by Lucille Clerc
technically its not satire if its coming from a dominant power group towards an oppressed one. that’s just oppression.
like shooting innocent people is always wrong, but that publication and the people that worked behind it were racist. zoom back and look at things at a wider vista to see where the admonishment should go.
Well I guess stupid sjw were already there three years ago. Now, muslims are not opressed in my country,they have more help from the gouvernement than a lot of people. Stop thinking America is the entire world, because it is really not, and don’t talk about a country you know nothing about. And yes it is satire,learn the word. You’re never going to see this, but my country says fuck off. bye bye :)