Artist Uses Dance Movements To Create Stunning Charcoal Drawings

Published 11 years ago

New Orleans-based contemporary performance artist Heather Hansen’s work is the perfect union of dance and drawing. Her whole body moves in light and fluid dance-like motions and, just with little pieces of charcoal, she draws stunning one-of-a-kind symmetrical patterns and abstract forms on large sheets of paper.

The resulting drawings are beautiful, resembling the perfect geometrical forms we see in nature, but the creation process is what moves us the most. The paper is the meeting point of dance and drawing, but Hansen’s emotions and her unleashed artistic instincts, with unpredictable twists and turns, make it a performance to remember.

Hansen’s work can be seen in a group exhibition called The Value Of Line at The Ochi Gallery in Katchum, Idaho, USA, till 31st March, 2014.

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body performance, charcoal art, charcoal drawing, contemporary art, contemporary dance, contemporary painting, full-post, Heather Hansen, performance, performance art