25 Celebs That Have Wildly Different Personality To Their Public Personas
It’s no secret that people wear masks in public depending on the social situation. Our public persona may differ based on the group we are addressing. These subtle behavioural changes come into effect with friends, family, colleagues and a myriad of other people we meet in our day-to-day lives. So it’s not hard to imagine that even celebrities would do the same. Recently, Redditors got to discussing all the stars whose private personalities are completely different to how they behave in public. From Gordon Ramsay and Cher to Adam Sandler and Clint Eastwood, this list gives us a little peek into our favourite celebs’ lives.
#1 Clint Eastwood knows every person’s name on set from the caterer’s to the electricians.
Image source: MissPhistopheles, Warner Bros. Pictures
He eats with the employees, takes breaks with them. Stays late with them. Never hid in a trailer. He never had security with him on set. He introduces himself as Clint. No calling him Mr. Eastwood. It’s like he’s honored to meet you. One of the nicest, most down to earth people ever. I’ll never forget meeting him.
#2 Bruce Willis is (was?) a book lover.
Image source: Galliagamer, Conan O’Brien
I read recently how Bruce Willis is going downhill with dementia, but what struck me is the article said that he had always been a voracious reader. Don’t know why but it hit me funny, that Mr Action man was a bookworm. (And sadly, is losing that now too).
#3 Will Ferrell
Image source: RockNRoll85, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
I’ve heard from several people I know that have met & worked with Will that he’s nothing like his onscreen characters. He’s actually pretty laid back and soft spoken off camera. Totally what you wouldn’t expect based on some of the roles he’s known for
#4 Pierce Brosnan is one whose public persona is such a convincing fiction that even he can’t convince people he’s not really James Bondish. An introspective, borderline shy family man, according to those who know him well.
Image source: CatladyKeri, British GQ
#5 Matt Berry. He’s wacky, brash, loud and obnoxious on screen. In most interviews I’ve seen him in, he’s very quiet and is serious when talking about his music especially. In group cast interviews, he always seems to be the quietest, mainly sitting back and letting the others handle the questions.
Image source: Thomisawesome, Amoeba
#6 Many years ago, i was fortunate to have drinks with a group of chefs that included Gordon Ramsay. I know he’s been shown to not really be the raging hot-head he is portrayed as. But he really could not have been a nicer guy.
Image source: instant_ramen_chef, Gordon Ramsay
#7 Cher is a notorious introvert. Yet her persona is flashy outfits, outlandish personality and entertainer. She just likes to go home and be alone at the end of the day.
Image source: BobbyFan54, Cher
#8 John Lennon. Horrible man, talks of love and peace. Like a lot of hippies really.
Image source: anon, BariAndolinii
#9 Ran into J.K. Simmons at a farmers market in LA. Super nice dude.
Image source: Sweatyrando, BUILD Series
#10 James Gandolfini was a Birkenstock wearing, Jerry listening hippie.
Image source: mmmmmarty, 60 Minutes
#11 Adam Sandler. He’s apparently a really good guy who tries to film his movies in his home state of New Hampshire to boost tourism. He’s incredibly loyal to his SNL friends always trying to put them in his movies and is a great Dad.
Image source: Yotsubauniverse, PowerfulJRE
#12 Dean Martin wasn’t quite a teatotaler, but pretty close to it. The whiskey he was always drinking on stage or on camera was usually apple juice.
Image source: Kymera_7, Johnny Carson
#13 Angela from The Office is a silly goofball in real life.
Image source: DampBr*tches, NBC
#14 Nick Offerman smokes weed and is super chill and liberal. Pretty much the exact opposite of Ron Swanson. He does however have the woodworking and whiskey in common.
Image source: maz-o, 800 Pound Gorilla Media
#15 Eric Andre
Image source: TheWhiteBobbyJindal, ContentTv
My former venue was where he filmed his last netflix special. As wild and raunchy as his character and comedy his, once he was in business mode, he couldn’t have been more professional, open-minded, and kind. It was truly incredible to see how well he can snap in and out of character.
One very memorable moment was when we had our initial meeting deciding if it would be at our venue or not, during sound checking he was discussing run of show, etc, someone hands him a mic to sound check and he goes from discussing business logistics with me to looking into my soul and says “Who here likes bukkake” and i obviously laughed and was caught off guard. He called me bukakke for the rest of the week.
During down time between audiences and filming I got to be around him a lot and he could not have been more friendly, and enjoyable.
10/10 would hang with him again any time.
#16 Supposedly Robin Williams was very introverted and quiet. RIP.
Image source: maybethisiswrong, Conan O’Brien
#17 Snoop Dogg actually hasn’t committed a crime in many decades.
Image source: Kafkaja, SnoopDoggTV
#18 Sting is actually pretty funny and doesn’t take himself nearly as seriously as he seems to. Had an hour-long argument with him about alternative medicine years ago, he was a great sport.
Image source: Porrick, NPR Music
#19 Johnny Knoxville. I’ve met him, and he is way more soft-spoken and polite than you might guess… also just a stand-up guy in general, from the accounts of other folks I know (he was connected to my father’s work). Not a “Jacka*s” at all!
Image source: ZoyaZhivago, First We Feast
#20 Neil deGrasse Tyson is a pretty well established as a douchebag. Everyone I know that’s interacted with him in person hates his guts. This is also the case and even more so for Bill Nye,.
Image source: LobsterPunk, CBS Sunday Morning
#21 Weird Al Yankovic is supposedly really quiet, overly polite, introverted and mild-mannered offstage. Even to his own friends and family.
Image source: tucakeane, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
#22 Billy Idol. He sat in front of me at a Bryan Ferry concert (Formerly of Roxy Music) in San Diego and spent about 20 minutes graciously talking to fans after the show. Incredibly kind, funny and down to earth person. Complete gem of a human.
Image source: waitwutok, Billy Idol
I ran into Jonathan BANKS at the Starbucks in Malibu. He played Mike Ehrmentraut on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Very laid back and nice guy who chatted up a few teenage kids. Chill dude.
#23 I mean I don’t know her but I was sure in for a fun treat in Jennifer Coolidge’s AD article where it’s “surprise I live in a haunted Victorian home with thick dark curtains I have drawn all the time and these are my ghosts”
Image source: anon, Jimmy Kimmel Live
It was awesome. I was fully expecting Legally Blonde pinks and prep, not her in some moody robe pulling the drapes in melancholy before a seance.
#24 Gilbert Gottfried was a really sweet and kind guy whose regular voice was nothing like his annoying performing voice. I overheard him reading a book to his son at bedtime and it was the sweetest thing.
Image source: Holiday-Astronaut-60, Kyle Cyr
#25 Marky Mark was doing an interview at the height of his music career, leaning way back in his chair looking all gangsta, talking with his arms and hands, using what we used to call ebonics but I think has a different name now.
Image source: SnoBunny1982, Red Carpet News TV
The interview ends, he thinks the camera cuts but it’s still running, he drops the act, sits up straight, eyebrows go up, shakes hands and graciously goes into a thank you so much for having me spiel.
Got wisdom to pour?
Some celebrities have personalities that might surprise their fans, as they can differ drastically from the public image they project. For instance, actors or musicians who seem outgoing and glamorous might actually be introverted or highly private in their personal lives. On the other hand, some may portray a reserved or serious image but are known for their quirky sense of humor or eccentric habits off-screen. It’s intriguing how people with public personas can still have such varied and contrasting characteristics behind closed doors. There is a chance that exploring such aspects might offer a fresh perspective on their lives. To explore more about the fascinating lives of celebrities, liveamoment https://www.live-amoment.org/ could be a platform to consider for further insights.