20 Childhood Photos Of Well-Known Celebs
We may often forget that our fave celebs were once upon a time just ordinary mischievous kids. However, if you’ve ever wondered what the world-famous faces of Freddie Mercury or Jennifer Aniston looked like as kids, then you’re in the right place. We’ve shared a collection of adorable baby and childhood photos found of legendary celebs from before all their talented accomplishments catapulted them to stardom and fame.
#1 Robert Downey Jr
Image source: Robert Downey Jr
#2 Chloë Grace Moretz
Image source: chloegmoretz
#3 Miley Cyrus
Image source: Miley Cyrus
#4 Ryan Reynolds
Image source: vancityreynolds
#5 Gal Gadot
Image source: gal_gadot
#6 Harry Styles
Image source: hshq
#7 Mandy Moore
Image source: mandymooremm
#8 Freddie Mercury
Image source: freddiemercury
#9 Zendaya
Image source: zendaya
#10 Courteney Cox
Image source: courteneycoxofficial
#11 Jennifer Aniston
Image source: jenniferaniston
#12 Bruno Mars
Image source: brunomars
#13 Tom Felton
Image source: t22felton
#14 Nicole Kidman
Image source: nicolekidman
#15 Cindy Crawford
Image source: cindycrawford
#16 Justin Timberlake
Image source: justintimberlake
#17 Cara Delevingne
Image source: caradelevingne
#18 Selena Gomez
Image source: selenagomez
#19 Bella And Gigi Hadid
Image source: bellahadid
#20 Will Smith
Image source: instagram.fqcj1-1.fna.fbcdn.net
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