18 Celebrities You Probably Didn’t Know Had Famous Parents & Grandparents
Sometimes the stories told about our forefathers can inspire us to follow in their footsteps. And even though living up to their name can prove to be a difficult task, that shouldn’t stop you from trying. This certainly didn’t stop these celebrities who succeeded in making a name for themselves without flaunting the names of their parents and grandparents. In fact, you probably still wouldn’t know some of them are related if it were not for this list!
Check out the celebrities who you probably didn’t know are descendants of famous people in the gallery below!
#1 Charlie Chaplin & Oona Chaplin
You most likely know Oona Chaplin for her role as Talisa Maegyr in Game of Thrones. She also starred in The Crimson Field and Taboo TV series. What you probably didn’t know is that Oona is not only the daughter of actress Geraldine Chaplin but also is a granddaughter of the legendary Charlie Chaplin!
#2 Abraham Lincoln & Tom Hanks
Legendary actor Tom Hanks is actually related to one of the most widely recognized American presidents, Abraham Lincoln. The actor is related to the president through Lincoln’s mother, making him the third cousin four times removed.
#3 Janet Leigh & Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis, known for her roles in Halloween, True Lies and a plethora of other movies, is the daughter of American actress and singer Janet Leigh. The two even appeared in two movies together: The Fog and Halloween H20: 20 Years Later.
#4 Minnie Riperton & Maya Rudolph
Minnie Riperton was a singer most widely known for her 1975 hit single “Lovin’ You”. She is also the mother of actress and comedian Maya Rudolph.
#5 Marlon Brando & Tuki Brando
We probably don’t need to introduce you to who Marlon Brando was. His grandson Tuki Brando, however, is not so widely recognized. The young man had a rough childhood – his father was murdered before he was born and his mother committed suicide when the boy was just 5 years old. Tuki eventually graduated medical school and made it as a model, working with famous fashion brands such as Versace.
#6 Anne Gwynne & Chris Pine
Chris Pine is an actor known for his roles in Star Trek, Wonder Woman, and many other films. He is also the grandson of famous horror movie actress Anne Gwynne.
#7 Jane Austen & Anna Chancellor
Actor Anna Chancellor, the actress best known for her role Henrietta in Four Weddings and a Funeral and Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice, is related to Jane Austen, the novelist that actually wrote Pride and Prejudice. Austen is Chancellor’s eight-times great aunt.
#8 Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher & Billie Lourd
All three of these actresses are actually related – they’re all three direct generations of actresses. Both Fisher and Lourd starred in Star Wars movies and Reynolds starred in many famous movies such as Singin’ In the Rain and The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
#9 Herbert Henry Asquith & Helena Bonham Carter
Herbert Henry Asquith was not only the First Earl of Oxford and Asquith but also the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during WWI. He is also the great grandfather of Fight Club and Sweeny Todd actress Helena Bonham Carter.
#10 Charles Dickens & Harry Lloyd
If you’re a fan of literature, then Charles Dickens needs no introduction. But just in case you don’t know him, he’s the one who wrote Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and many other great 19th century novels. Harry Lloyd, the actor who played Viserys Targaryen in the Game of Thrones is the writer’s great-great-great-grandson.
#11 Nelson Mandela & Zoleka Mandela
Speaker and writer Zoleka Mandela is the granddaughter of Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa. After her daughter passed away in a car accident, Zoleka became an ambassador of the United Nations road safety collaboration.
#12 Clark Gable & Clark James Gable
Actor, model and TV presenter Clark Gable III is the grandson of legendary actor Clark Gable.
#13 Charlie Chaplin & James Thiérrée
Circus performer James Thiérrée, known for his work on Chocolat, Les illusions, and Vitalis, is actually the grandson of legendary English comic actor Charlie Chaplin.
#14 Gregory Peck & Ethan Peck
Gregory Peck was an actor known for his numerous acting roles throughout the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. His grandson Ethan Peck also chose an actor’s path and has starred in TV series 10 Things I Hate About You, Star Trek: Discovery and others.
#15 J.D. Salinger & Matt Salinger
J.D. Salinger, the author that wrote Catcher in the Rye, is the father of actor and producer Matthew Robert Salinger, who starred in movies like Revenge of the Nerds and Captain America.
#16 Winston Churchill & Nicholas Soames
Winston Churchill was the cigar-smoking British politician that led Britain during WWII. His grandson Nicholas Soames followed in his steps and became a politician himself, becoming a member of the Parliament in 1997.
#17 Pablo Picasso & Diana Widmaier Picasso
Art historian Diana Widmaier Picasso is the granddaughter of the famous painter Pablo Picasso. She has a master’s degree in art history and specializes in modern art. Not only that, Diana is also the founder of jewelry company Menē.
#18 Anthony Perkins & Oz Perkins
Anthony Perkins, the actor who played Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, is also the father of Oz Perkins, an actor who starred in movies like Legally Blonde and The Blackcoat’s Daughter.
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