35 Cats Working Overtime To Earn Their Keep – And They’re Nailing It
If you’ve ever wondered what cats do in their spare time (besides napping, playing with yarn, or plotting world domination), the popular X account Cats With Jobs will show you a side of feline life that’s both adorable and hilarious: cats working hard in all kinds of “professional” roles. Whether it’s supervising human activities, acting as quality control inspectors, or simply boosting office morale, these cats prove that no job is too big or too small for our furry companions.
We scoured the account for some of the cutest and most committed cat “employees” who are clearly excelling at their tasks. Here are a few standouts who deserve a raise and extra treats for their dedication!
Image source: catworkers
Bodega cat led me to this aisle.
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He’s on break.
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“Am I a joke to you?”
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IT support is currently working on fixing the problem. Thanks for your patience.
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Me logging on to do some work.
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Party decorator for hire. Will install decorations at a height relative to his own.
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Farm cat gets caught napping in unusual location
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The book seller looks very friendly.
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YALL!! There’s a cat at a local convenience store that climbs into this little plexiglass box to move behind the counter or out to the shop ! He spins it himself.
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Air conditioner repair man.
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Yoga teacher.
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The Istanbul Metro’s most popular employee.
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Give the customers what they want.
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He tried baking something for you.
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News reports are better with cats.
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This is what granting somebody remote access feels like.
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Is it the weekend yet?
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The electrician they sent is wearing waist-high pants.
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The perfect way to close a business deal.
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Quality control.
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I’d rather have it and not use it, than need it and not have it.
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The strawberry seller is grumpy today
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They got him working the night shift.
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Please file under B for Blep.
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Marine biologist.
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Image source: catworkers
Image source: catworkers
A little update I received a while ago.
Got wisdom to pour?